20. The truth..or another lie

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\Warning: not edited. Read at your own risk\

'It's dark'.

'My mind, my heart and my situation... it's so hopeless and dark'

'I just wanna sleep like this forever'

But just right after Bethany thought about the last part, she found herself feeling cold and warm at the same time.

Someone was repeating her name over and over again. It sounds familiar and felt kinda annoying but she opened her eyes anyway.

The familiar teary blue orbs stared back into her eyes. Bethany once thought she was the best friend and sisterly honest woman in the world. And as always reality betrayed her thoughts.

'Wait why's Sarah here?'

Knowing Stephen for few months, he definitely won't let Sarah close to her. And if police captured her then Sarah would've been in jails instead of next to her. More importantly the room around them doesn't look like a jail.

'What happened?'

She quickly wanted to move but her body didn't respond. Forget about moving, she was having a hard time opening her eyes.

"Y-you're finally awake! I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to..." Sarah stuttered while crying and sobbing badly. Now Bethany can feel herself on mid sized bed, Sarah sitting beside her.

Then the next moment she also realized that she can't speak.

'What a strong poison...!'

"Oh, is she awake already?'

Another female voice asked from another direction. Bethany can remember this accent from everywhere. It was that Japanese girl who calls herself Anna.

'So I'm in Stephen's place after all'

The hope Bethany had built in few moments collapsed after hearing Anna. She's on Stephen's side and she knows a lot about drugs. Maybe that's why she still can't move her body.

"If you're thinking we're at that guy's place, you're wrong." Anna continued to talk, probably noticing Bethany's expression. Anna's somewhat cheerful tone makes her relax at one minute and be surprised at other minute.

So who?

The place they are in looks a bit shabby but not as bad as prison cells. That's why finding an answer has become even hard for Bethany.

"You're in my place!!!"

"Har...ley.." Bethany managed to stutter the girl's name.

Wasn't she supposed to be stay in the cell because she had only few months left? Why's she here?
But it was without doubt Harley, grinning widely as always. Looks like Bethany is the only one who doesn't understand what was going on.

"Don't try to talk girlie~ you'll be able to move freely in few minutes" Anna warned cheerfully. Anna from few days ago and Anna in front of her feels really different even though they looks exactly the same. They all guessed Anna was just acting at that time.

"We won the first round! It was really really interesting... Ahh, I don't think I can experience such an unfair victory again!! It's all thanks to you Be.tha.ny~" Anna continued to smile widely as she got closer to Bethany while talking and spinning around the room.

"She's crazy" Harley whispered. Sarah just nodded in agreement.

"I just beat one of the most skillful soldier of government, heir of the Lewister and Silvain family in a game! Aren't I a genius?"

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