Departure Day

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Yuuya's eyes darted to the double line on the pregnancy test, just before he dropped the stick out of sheer shock. His hands were trembling, but he quickly dove down and picked the test up off the tile and looked at it closely while on his knees.

"Hiyoko's pregnant?" he mumbled to himself, his voice a little bit hoarse.

Why hasn't she said anything? How long has she known?

"I-I'm going to be a dad?" Yuuya wasn't sure how to react. He suddenly felt very anxious, and yet, he was also excited.

Suddenly, the realization hit Yuuya like a truck. He felt an anger bubble inside him that make him sick to his stomach.

"She was gonna care for our baby while I was away, and none the wiser?" he set the pregnancy test onto the bathroom counter, leaning on the counter as well.

But she was thinking of me- my career.

Yuuya let out a long, breath of air.

"I need to sleep on this," Yuuya put the pregnancy test back into the trash, and continued finishing his night time chore.


Hiyoko found herself knee deep in a relentless blizzard, cradling an infant in her arms.

"Yuuya!" she cried out, her voice straining from the cold "Yuuya, please. Help me!"

She then stumbled, managing to somehow not fall face first into the snow, and keep the bundled baby up and out of the snow.

Hiyoko now was on her knees, snow beating against her face as it piled up around her.

"Yuuya...," he voice was a mere whimper, as she felt herself getting light headed, and the already gloomy day turning black.


Hiyoko awoke with a start; a cold drip of sweat beading down the side of her head as she sat up.

It was only a dream...

She looked beside her in the bed she shared with her husband, but she saw no one.

"No!" she leaped from the bed, and leaned over the railing looking over the rest of the cozy cottage. There was no sign of Yuuya down there either.

It can't be too late! This is all my fault, and now my dream is going to come true!

"No no no no!" Hiyoko raced down the stairs, and busted through the front door, scrambling to get a light coat on to protect her from winter's damning chill.

Looking out down the hill to the road from her porch, Hiyoko saw a set of foot prints in the snow leading down the driveway, and none coming up to the house.

"No...," she desperately walked down the wooden, porch steps in disbelief; getting a better look at the tracks.

The footprints leaving the house were definitely Yuuya's, and she could see them going down to the road, where there were fresh vehicle tracks that drove off not too long ago.

"I'm too late...," Hiyoko fell to her knees in the snow "How can I be so stupid?"

Tears fell from her eyes as she openly wept in her hands.

I need to go through this pregnancy all alone. How could I keep this from him?

"Hiyoko!" a voice shouted from back around the side of the porch.


Hiyoko was still too much of a blubbering mess to speak, but she looked over her shoulder to see her worried husband cradling a bundle of firewood.

Yuuya immediately let the firewood fall one by one into the snow, and ran over to her side.

"You can't be out in the cold like this! Where's your jacket?" Yuuya slipped his winter coat off himself and draped it over her shoulders.

"Yuuya, wha-" she looked him up and down curiously, as if she was seeing a mirage "Why didn't you go? What about your important mission?"

"Are you kidding me?" Yuuya's eyes began to well up with tears "How am I supposed to leave my pregnant wife alone for sixteen months and not constantly worry for her?"

Hiyoko's eyes widened "How did you know?"

"I saw the pregnancy test in the trash."

"Oh," Hiyoko looked a bit embarrassed "So... how do you feel about the news then?"

"Are you kidding?" Yuuya blinked at her "I'm over the moon! Hiyoko, I love you so much. To be having a baby with you, it's the greatest news I've heard in a long time".

Hiyoko looked deeply into his crystal blue eyes. Sure enough, they were filled with happy tears and sincerity.

"You mean it?" Hiyoko couldn't help but put her hands on her stomach.

"Of course I do, mon amie," Yuuya put a hand on her shoulder and held another hand out to her "but how about we talk more about this inside, out of the cold, yeah?"

CRUSHED (Part 2) [Hatoful  Boyfriend: Yuuya x Hiyoko]Where stories live. Discover now