Bad Boy

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The following day at the fabric store Hiyoko was feeling like her cheery, optimistic self again. It was just another normal day with no worries... until she saw Yoomi walk in for her shift.

Hiyoko's heart immediately sank, and her mind began to race. She recalled Yuuya having a plan to, quote: "Get her off [Hiyoko's] back", but then he never said how.

"Afternoon, Yoko!" Yoomi greated casually with a quick wave as she swayed her way to the break room.

"I-it's Hiyoko...," Hiyoko muttered, watching Yoomi pass without her even glancing her way.

Hiyoko sighed and looked back down at the fabric roll she was straightening back up, with a downtrodden look on her face.

It's all just in my head,
Hiyoko thought
Yuuya doesn't need to get involved. What Yoomi said yesterday was probably just a one-off thing, and she's probably just going to never bring it up again.

Yoomi soon left the break room in her uniform apron, tying up her hair and chewing a stick of gum rather loudly.

"So I DM'd that Yuuya guy I was talking about yesterday on Instagram," Yoomi said as she bumped Hiyoko in the arm with her elbow.

"What!?" Hiyoko nearly dropped the fabric roll in her hands.

"I know, he seems pretty inactive on there, but I think that just makes him more mysterious. That's just hot, you know?" Yoomi kept glacing at her phone, smacking her gum without a worry.

Hiyoko felt as if she was trembling, but forced herself to smile anyway and act friendly "So, has he responded?"

"Not yet," Yoomi said.

Hiyoko let out a sigh of relief, making her body more relaxed. Even though she knew that Yuuya would never cheat on her, it was still nice hearing it confirmed from a third party.

"But you know, there's plenty of time left in the day," Yoomi remarked, slipping her phone into one of her apron pockets.


A few hours later into their shift, Hiyoko and Yoomi were nearly silent towards eachother as they worked. Hiyoko wondered if Yoomi's sudden lack of chattiness was because of Yoomi's own lack of being intrested or considerate of others, or if it was because Hiyoko wasn't giving her the reposes she desired in the certain topics she chose. Either way, Hiyoko was content, and by the look on Yoomi's face, which was as deadpanned as usual, she probably didn't care.

The front door bell had then rung, signifying that a customer had finally entered the shop. Hiyoko was in the back stocking shelves with new material, and left the customer service to Yoomi, who she hoped wouldn't scare anyone away with her sexual, yet uninterested demeanor.

Hoyoko then heard Yoomi and the customer conversing, but she couldn't tell what they were saying. She did notice, however, that Yoomi's voice was a bit too perky and higher pitched for her to be talking to a regular customer.

Suspicious, Hiyoko tiptoed around the shelf, slowly hearing the customer's voice becoming clearer. It was a man's voice, for sure, and it perked her ears up immediately once she picked up on who it belonged to. A large smile stretched acrossed her face as she turned to see him.

There he was, it was Yuuya, holding a fresh bouquet of red roses in his hands. Yoomi was facing him, and Hiyoko saw her jaw drop as she turned her head to look at you.

"You're telling me you're here for-" Yoomi looked back at Yuuya, looking appalled "her?"

"Indeed I am," Yuuya said, not taking his eyes off of Hiyoko from afar "she is my beautiful wife afterall".

"Your 'Wife'!?" Yoomi stiffened as Yuuya walked passed her, bring Hiyoko the roses as she stood with a glee filled smile on her face.

"Awe," Hiyoko proudly accepted the bouquet "you shouldn't have".

"I thought it was time that my Flower got some flowers, no?" he leaned down and kissed Hiyoko on the lips. Hiyoko kissed back, letting her free hand caress his well defined face.

"You know," Yuuya said as he parted from their kiss "it's lunch time. How about you take your break with me at the coffee shop next door, eh?"

"Oh, I'd love that!" Hiyoko then leaned to the side, looking at her coworker curiously "Will you be alright if I take my 30 now, Yoomi?"

Yoomi's arms were crossed with her eyes away from the situation, and her face was beet red "Whatever".

"It's a date then, Mon Amie!" Yuuya took Hiyoko's hand and the two made their way out of the fabric shop.


"I'm not going to lie Yuuya," Hiyoko said, sipping her black coffee at the little table in the cafe "that was a little harsh what we did to Yoomi back there".

"Perhaps," Yuuya agreed "but you didn't seem all too bothered".

Hiyoko smiled, knowing that her lack of empathy for her coworker was showing.

"You know, that's what she gets for living in the past," Yuuya shrugged, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs "maybe that was the rude awakening she needed to stop living in the High School days".

"Well, thank you, my darling," she stirred her drink while smiling from ear to ear.

Suddenly, Yuuya's phone began to buzz. He quickly apologized as he pulled it out "It's work, I gotta take this".

"That's alright," Hiyoko was unbothered by her professionally responsible husband and enjoyed her beverage in peace.

Soon, Yuuya put his phone away after saying goodbye, and sighed "I have to go in tonight. It sounds like it's going to be a late one again".

"Again?" Hiyoko's shoulders lowered.

"Yep," Yuuya looked dissapointed "it has to be done".

"Alright, I'll have leftover dinner for you in the fridge whenever you get home," Hiyoko accepted.

Yuuya grinned "you're the best".


It was late, and Hiyoko was suggled in bed, sleeping soundly. But then, she was awoken by a loud crash.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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