Chapter 7

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~~~Bakugou's P.O.V.~~~

I realized I lost him. Probably forever, and it was all my fault. I collapsed to the ground, and stayed like that for what seemed like hours. After awhile, I got up, and started walking somewhere. I didn't know where my feet were taking me, but I let the lead me, not caring.

"Hey! Hey Bakubro, wait up!"

I turned round to see shitty hair, running after me, trying to catch up! He had a smile plastered on his face, and something else, but what? "WTF DO YOU WANT, SHITTY HAIR!?!"

"Oh, umm, well, I... I have something to... to tell you. Well confess, actually." I noticed that his face was a very obvious red. Wait. He's BLUSHING!?!

"WELL, THEN SPIT IT OUT!" I realized I had stopped walking. I turned around, and let my feet continue guiding me. I looked down, and knew that Shitty hair was following beside me.

"C-can you stop walking for a minute, please?"

I stopped walking, but didn't look up. I glanced up, and saw shitty hair fidgeting. He looked real nervous. Like he had a secret to tell.

"Well, what do you have to ask me? While i'm still fucking interested."

"Umm, well, I... Ughh! why is this so fucking hard! I thought this would be easy, with you're break-up and all!"

"How did you know about my break-up!"

"Well, the whole school just about saw it! I didn't even know you guys were dating! why didn't you tell me!?!"

"Cause it's none of you're fuckig business!"


"Can you j-"

Shiity hair exasperately sighs, and grabs me. His arms manage to slither around my waist, pulling me close. He leans in close, looking me in the eyes. He moves his mouth to my ear, and whispers, 'K-katsuki, I... I've you since I first layed eyes on you.'

His eyes meet mine, and they look... Fearful. I was still trying to process what the fuck was happening when suddenly, Shitty hair had forced his lips onto me. His lips were soft, suprisingly, and plump. He pulled me closer, the kiss going from forceful, and aggressive, to passionate.

His tongue pushed against my bottomlip, asking for an entrance. I denied it, finally processing what was happening. I began trying to pry him off me, but his grip was too strong. His hands gripped my inner thighs, squeezing them. I let out a moan, accidentally giving him entrance.

His tongue was long, and wet. He began exploring, wanting to know more than he should. I lifted ne of my hands, and started mini explosions in my hand. He saw them, and for a second was stunned. I managed to break the kiss, gasping for air. I punched him in the face, and he let go of me, holding his face. I fet as my feet led me away from him, breaking into a run. I heard Shitty hair running after me, yelling for me to come back. I tripped, and fell, landing on my face.

I looked behind me, and saw Shitty hair catching up, and fast. I tried to scramble to my feet, but I felt a sudden pain in my leg. I looked down to see my ankle, looking a little off. I sprained it when I went down.

"Katsuki!" I lookd behind me to see shitty hair running up to me, with the most corncerned look I've ever seen him have.


"KATSUKI! DON'T FUCKING RAISE YOUR VOICE A TME! ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU'RE HURT! I ONLY KISSED YOU, BECAUSE IT WAS EASIER TO SHOW YOU, THEN TELL YOU! I-I'M SORRY! I... I'm sorry, OK? I... I love you, and HAVE loved you, and... and, I-Izuku. Since we first laid eyes on each other."

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