A walk in the rain prompts some weird thoughts.

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Blue shivered, hugging himself to keep warm. It had started to rain, and while Dream's house wasn't too far (about 7 blocks away), it was still a walk and the fact that he didn't have shoes on didn't help. He was still sobbing, his nose running from the cold and tears mixed with how betrayed he felt. For about four years he and Dust had been together, Blue blissfully unaware of where Dust was getting the money from.

He found it odd that he was getting so much, about 200-300 even 400 a month but never questioned it. He figured Dust had found a good job that gave him more than what they give Blue. Blue had worked in the kitchen for a bit, but was only to sit and watch, basically getting paid peanuts and getting racial slurs from other workers.

He had watched the other workers and was absolutely angered when they let some Ratatouille carbon copy work, messing up the dishes and not even putting in the right spices while he sat and watched. A couple more things about him was that he started smoking medical weed, something that was legitimately prescribed for him before Dust got his new 'job'.

The minute Blue came home with a serious frown on his face and a twitching eye, Dust knew he needed some destresser and slime nor stress ball would do it. Blue for years had always thought of the stuff as a drug, something you get hooked on that could ruin your life. But the minute he thoroughly understood the side affects (one of them was horniness oddly) and benefits as well as how much to take, he started to largely consider smoking it.

It helped a lot, though he didn't like some of the side affects. The horniness was something he would leave up to Dust, not being able to trust himself to not do something stupid to his body while high. Being hungry was also one he hated, but I did give him a good balanced figure of skinny and thick so it was all good. Why am I even talking about this? Well, Dream was his nurse, where else do you think he'd get it from?

He didn't like over the counter stuff, and having to go into a hospital was something he'd rather avoid, so Dream was the only real option. Dream didn't mind and gladly kept the stuff for Blue when he needed it, not seeing too much of a problem.

As Blue was lost in his thoughts about what he had done to be calm, he made it without even noticing and when he did was a big surprised. Nonetheless, he knocked a couple of times and prayed Dream was home and wasn't taking another night shift at the nursing home he worked in. He heard shuffling, a couple of movements, a bang was heard and a curse being muttered. The door was soon open, Dream staring wide eyed at Blue. He quickly rushed him into the house, closing the door and locking it behind him.


Well this was a fun chapter. Sorry for that weird focus on weed for a moment, just wanted it to be clear that Blue is not a pothead and only takes it Evey now and then-

iMperfeKtionistA here ya gooo-

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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