Spring Break

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May 4th, 2012: The start of an epic love story

Also known as 'The Day Tony Stark Fell in Love', this was the day Tony met Bruce Banner. But this story isn't about how they met.

March 23rd, 2013: The day Tony confessed to loving Bruce

Tony kept his feelings in a bottle, letting them build up for almost a year, and on this day he finally burst. He told Bruce everything. He told him how he felt. He told him he wanted to be with him, he needed to be with him. He told him that he's never felt this way about anyone before. But this isn't about that either.

April 12th, 2013: The day Bruce confessed to loving Tony

Bruce disappeared for a few weeks after Tony confessed. He needed some time to think. He needed to get his head straight. This is the day Tony went looking for him and found him out cold behind a dumpster. His clothes were ripped and he was covered in blood. He later awoke at Stark Tower, cleaned up and dressed in a pair of Tony's clothes. He told Tony about his own feelings and about how he was so afraid because he had hurt everyone he ever loved. Tony told him that he didn't care and that it would be a privilege to get himself hurt by him. This would be the official start of their relationship. But that's still not what this story is about. Our story begins exactly one year later.

The day was April 12, 2014. Bruce and Tony had been together for a year and were spending some time in California.



Bruce sighed, setting down the tie he was looking at before walking to other the aisle. "Yes, Tony?"

Tony held a lingerie corset against his chest. "How do you think this would look on me?" he asked.

"Tony, that's for women," Bruce pointed out.


Bruce sighed again, rubbing his temples with the tips of his fingers. "Why are you so-"

"Sexy? Intelligent? Irresistible?" Tony cut in.

"Incompetent," Bruce finished.

"Hey!" Tony frowned. "That's rude."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Tony grabbed Bruce by the waist and pulled him close. "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do," he muttered, pressing his lips to Bruce's and kissing him.

"Ahem. Gentlemen?"

Bruce and Tony separated and spun around, their faces turning red. In front of them stood a short, balding man in a waist coat.

"It would be much appreciated," he began, "if you two gentlemen could please refrain from public displays of affection."

"Sorry, Sir," Bruce said, hanging his head.

"Yeah. Sorry," Tony echoed.

"Thank you." The man bowed and left the isle. As soon as he was out of site, Tony looked at Bruce and began to laugh. Bruce quickly joined in. After a few minutes, they gathered themselves and left the store.

"Where to next?" Bruce asked as they approached Tony's car.

"I was thinking we head back to the hotel and test out the mattress," Tony suggested. He opened the car door for Bruce. "What do you think?"

Bruce smiled as he sat down, Tony sliding in after him. "I think that's a great idea," he answered. "We wouldn't want to have a faulty mattress."

"Happy!" Tony called to his driver. "Take us to the hotel."

"Yes, Sir."

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