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Hey wattpadians! This is the first time ever that I'm posting a story. Please vote for it if you like it, and if you don't are a meany pants. Once again I hope you like it and feedback is greatly appreciated.


Skin as white as snow. Hair as black as night. Lips as red as the reddest rose. Snow White. Snow White. Snow White. That's all I've heard day in and day out. 24/7. 365. Well not to brag but I have the reddest hair in all the land, like wildfire and as crazy as one as well. My skin when it's clean, while fair in its own way, is not as fair as hers for I get the most horrible freckles. Really you would think that the rest of me would freckle like my face, nope. It tans just fine, but when my face hits the sun even for a minute... BAM. It looks like someone threw and speckled my face with brown paint. My lips are as pink as the most loveliest primrose. But when people see me coming home from playing with the page boys my hair looks like the dying ember of coal with my hair covered in mud, and my skin looks as black as the Nubians or even Lancelot. The villagers nicknamed me Ash Black, just as they nicknamed my twin sister Snow White.

It's no wonder people don't associate us as siblings straight away. My sister, Alinora and I, Celestia are as different as night and day. The one thing that links us is our mother's eyes. Green as jade. Although, when I'm emotional my eyes either turn stormy grey, or as dark as a pine tree on a stormy day. When Ali is emotional her eyes turn blue like father's.

Speaking of father, he was the most kind, handsome, and bravest man I've ever and will ever know. Only Ali's prince can come a close second for saving her like he did, but I'm getting ahead of myself. See, our father died almost 10 years ago. Ali and I were only 9 when he died. He was our last connection, since our mother died when we were younglings. He remarried, after mother passed, to this horrid woman. All she did was go down into the dungeon and talk to herself into her 'personal' mirror. Ali and I were forbidden to ever go near it. I didn't care to go near it and neither did Ali. When we got our first and only glimpse of the mirror as it was being transported down there, it gave me the creeps. When father died, that evil woman, whose name shall never pass my lips, was nothing but cruel to me and Ali. She was always hardest on Ali and always called he by her nickname in such disdain that you could practically hear the hatred rolling off her tongue.

The day came when Ali didn't come home. We were just before our 19th birthday, about three months time, when she disappeared. Every once in a while, if Ali was to go out she had to be chaperoned and covered up like she was headed into the nearest mountain range. I had to bundle up as well but I was never chaperoned. My heart plummeted a thousand leagues under the sea when the evil one announced that my sister was dead. Then my soul told me that she was not dead. Thank God for that twin/sister bond we developed. I went looking for her in the dead of night when I knew no one to be up. I also had one of the knights and his page boy cover for me while I was searching. Picture a 14 year old boy dressed in girls clothing. Yes, it is as hilarious as it sounds. I went into a forest that I knew well and who would I stumble upon? The very man that my sister was smitten with, who she snuck out to see once every month on the full moon. His name was Charming, of course I didn't believe it when she first told me in fact I started laughing. Actually guffawing my guts out is more accurate. He was a prince in a nearby kingdom and fell in love with his 'Snow' when we were younglings. He wondered where Ali was for she hadn't kept to their last monthly meeting. He was my last hope, for I thought she went on ahead to elope with him. No, it was not so. I sent lover boy to his kingdoms side of the forest and I searched on ours. About 2 hours into the forest I smelled her cooking for no one cooked like Ali. I went to go see where the smell was coming from and I saw this cottage on a hill. I go up to the door and 7 of the most hilarious dwarfs come to the door.

After my reunion with Ali, we all thought it best to keep her location a secret. Of course when I told lover boy, he of course knows not an inkling of survival skills and led the evil ones spies right to the her hiding place. Nevertheless the news of her second death came as a shock, but not as shocking as Ali's resurrection and the evil ones death in her place. I was a happy camper when I heard that particular piece of news. I do believe I danced at the gravestone of her resting place. I was that happy. As it so turned out, the evil one was not only evil at heart but had black magic to further darken her black soul. May she rot in the furthest circles of hell. The mirror that gave me the creeps gave me the most satisfactory crunch when I and the other servants pushed it out of a window. The one thing I kept of the evil witches stuff was the pair of looking glasses in the shape of mothers favorite mirrors. I had wondered where those went. I gave one to Ali so we could keep in touch. It was a weeks journey back and forth from each kingdom and I know we wouldn't have the time to travel back and forth.

My sister is so deliriously happy with her life, forever now called Snow White by all but her prince and I. Her wondrous life with her husband marked the beginning of her happy ending which of course would involve loads of children. But where her happy ending began, my life took a turn for the worse...


I hoped you liked it *cringing waiting for answer*.....

Ps please vote!!!

Ash Black - The Other SisterWhere stories live. Discover now