Chapter 1 - The Proposal of The Thing

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My second posting! Woohoo! Believe me getting writers block when you planned out the story is quite creepy and frustrating. Well I hope you enjoy!


Journal entry #6670

I really don't want to marry this boy... I'm getting ahead of myself. Ceren and I had a fight...


"But I don't want to marry!!" I yelled to the royal advisor, Ceren. He's been loyal to the true heirs to the throne since father died. Oh and he didn't like the witch either.

"It's your royal duty," he pleaded with me as he produced a rather dusty looking scroll. It looked like if you blew at it the wrong way it would crumble,"The law clearly states here: 'If there should ever be a sole princess heir, she must marry before her coronation.'"

He said that in such a way that mimicking was a must, one of my strong suits. This handles well my my stubborn persona, "But I am the law! As soon as the she-devil farce of a queen died I became queen. I've already decreed this rubbish you are spouting as null and void. Now leave me be about this matter, I don't feel like being bothered with it again, and that my good friend is final!"

He sighed all dramatic like,"Celestia, your subjects will not rally around your rule without a good king by your side. Now more than ever you need a king since the subjects don't want another witch fiasco. Prince Finn of MacCoul has offered to be that king. He's adored by the populace and he has no worry or care for the past ruler. You should at least consider his proposal. Besides I hear he is quite smitten with you."

By the time Cerens rant was over we were in the courtyard where I ignored him by playing with the wolf cubs that have taken a fancy to me. There mothers and fathers were lounging in the courtyard taking a quick nap before heading out to the woods again. When he finally left, I felt guilty about doing this to him. He should know by now that when my mind is made up there is no stopping it. I inherited the stubborn trait from mother. I remember her being so eloquent and kind, but try to argue with her and you will leave with a broken ego with all of the eloquence and kindness she could muster. No one, save for father, has ever won an argument against mother. Yes, he would always use his round about logic to get her, which was a complete and utter farce, and every once in a while mother would accept it so father could have just a few sparse tallys against her practically flawless record.

Like how I played with the page boys, and a few of the visiting princes. Father doted on me so much, I tried to stay with him almost every waking moment. Even to the knights training courtyard. I learned how to fight, if not as good, but better than our best swordsman, and hand-to-hand fighter, who was from the orient, by the age of 10. I took off into the woods with the page boys to learn survival skills. Of course because they were boys, and tried to make me feel unwelcome but with a few good head knocking here and there they accepted me as one of them. I'm still the reigning champ of tree climbing and rock throwing. I also hear that no one has beaten my record of pitching a tent, starting a fire and having a good sized rabbit or other woodland creature on my spit, as well as surrounded by snares in under 5 minutes.

Mother wanted me to stay around her and and Snow Wheat (my nickname for Ali, father adored it and so did Ali. Needless to say mother did not) and learn how to be a proper lady and call for help like our great aunt Damsel did when she was in distress. She was eaten by a dragon over 100 years ago. Of course I sat in my lessons of proper ladylike behavior, my dance lessons, and my studies like a proper princess. I actually liked those subjects surprisingly. Ali and I cruised through all of our studies by the age of 8 and we really didn't need tutors except for when we didn't understand a concept here and there. For the most part we found out things ourselves, but I drew the line at sitting still calling for help. I would rather go down fighting instead of sitting pretty screaming my head off, which of course is not a pretty sight. Mother was furious at the prospect of me being around boys of any age. Father calmed her down and the next thing I knew I was able to go with father, of course the bargaining tool was that Ali would stay with her and learn all of those ridiculous things.

Being the mischievous one I taught Ali everything I learned. She is as good as I am, though hers is a hidden talent. If she had known that it was the evil witch of a stepmother that was giving her an apple, she would've taken her down. But my Wheatie sisters fatal flaw is that she's too trusting. I've always told her time and again don't accept everything you see.

But, now that I've had time to cool off, I'm quite exasperated at myself and Ceren. He shouldn't have gotten to that point of me ignoring him and now I feel guilty.... I'll have to make it up to him...


Celestia fled down the grand staircase, down the great hall, big enough to seat a dinner and host a ball at the same time. She then rushed into her fathers old study, now hers, to stare down Ceren.

"Ceren! I told you no!" She exclaimed, barely out of breath. Ceren managed to look unfazed much to Celestias dissatisfaction.

"What do you mean your highness?" Ceren asked calm as a cucumber, looking over books in one of the many decorated chairs.

"Who told you to invite Prince Finn here?" Celestia tried to use her most regal voice in hopes that would cow Ceren into guilt. That plan backfired.

" I invited him long before you said no to any invitation ushered towards the young man, so pease calm down," Ceren said, still calm looking over another book that was sitting on his mahogany desk.

"Fine," the princess grunted out as she flopped onto the chaise, "I promise to not like this administered form of torture. By the way, when is this Finn coming?"

Ceren mumbled something unintelligible and for the first time since Celestia came in looked disgruntled.

"What was that, I don't think I heard you?" Another set of mumbling from Ceren, " Ceren just tell me."

Ceren sighed and put down the leather covered book he was holding, "The prince is coming at the end of the week."

Celestia stopped short, and counting down from 100 while breathing was a known technic that most people found that they should stay away from her if she implemented it. That was the sign that they started to irritate the young royal beyond her control and she was trying to regain some semblance of composure. Finishing her exercise, she turned slowly towards the man who was the closest to a father figure she had and calmly said, "The end of the week is in two days."

Knowing that any word he said could be a trigger for the imploding of his charge, "Yes, that is why I've been preparing for his arrival all week, another reason why I've been adamant for you to be slightly more courteous for the prince." Ceren said this very slowly, like he was talking to a frightened animal that could and would buck at any point.

Celestia slowly got up, and headed towards the study door then hesitated before opening it, "I'll do my best Ceren," she whispered before going through the door in a flurry of red and brown.


Okay that took way longer than I expected for it to come out of my brain.

P.S. this was not intended on becoming a Brave story. I thought about this at the beginning of my senior year, which started in 2011. Yeah. Sorry this chapter is so sort but there will be longer chapters soon!

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