1: A little distraction

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Kyles POV

All of the friends walk out of the fight. Though they were not in their super hero outfits because they forgot them at home while getting called to battle at once. All of them had changed since the last time they played super heros, (they are like 18 in this btw) the last time they played Cartman was still very fat, now he is.. well not slim, but not fat now either. Craig had slowly started to use the middle finger less and eventuality because of Tweek, learned how to show the proper amount of emotion. Me? Nothings really changed with me, still the "Dirty, ginger, jew, rat" as Cartman tells it. Stan.. A ton has changed with my super best friend, some for the good some for bad. Lets start with the good, he got over Wendy. Wendy actually has become sorta nice to everybody she comes across. The second good change, he layed off the alcohol. But nothing has changed with our relationships at all! Oh wait, I almost forgot about Kenny, the hoodie wearing bastard! Uhm, his home life has changed alot. He became much richer, and got better parents for his siblings. But he still visits his old parents to give them reassurance that everything will go back to normal and their lives will be happy again one time soon. And thats all with Kenny, lets go to the present.

"Well damn it Coon we are not letting you get fat again!" I yell

"Ugh its only like, 3 burgers and 4 large fries Kahl!" Cartman hisses

"Thour gonna have diabeteths like me Cartman!" Scott teases

"Blah blah blah! Im Scott Malkinson and i have a lisp and diabetes!" Cartman mocks

Scott replies, "Thop, itz not right to rip on people with diabeteths

Craig speaks up, though still monotoned, "Shut the fuck up guys."
Me and Stan live next to eachother so when all the others leave we stand inbetween our houses awkwardly waiting for the other to say something.

"Uh... Wanna sleep over at Kennys house?" Stan asks

"Uh sure." I say

We both walk over to Kennys, shoulders weirdly touching the whole way. Me and .Stan have been close ever since we met in 1st grade. I started to get feelings in 4th grade, when we spent alot more time with eachother. Then things got out of hand with all of our games. Like The Stick Lf Truth, or the one we were playing currently, the fractured but whole. Once we get to Kennys new house we wrap 3 times on the door. Karen, Kennys little sister answers. Ive always adored the little girl, me and Stan had to take care of her once due to Kenny and his brother going to court to get custody of Karen. Damn I just realized that Kennys life is so much more fucked up than ours.

"Heya Kyle and Stan!" She peps at the sight of us

"Your brother home?" Stan asks her innocently

"Yeah!" She turned around, "KENNY GET DOWN HERE KYLE AND STAN ARE HERE!" I never knew such a small kid has such a big, booming, loud, voice.

Kenny shows up at the door and Karen goes back to playing barbie talent show thing, or whatever she was playing.

Stan starts, "So kenny, can me and Kyle stay over here tonight?" He cocks his head at Stan first then starts to get what he ment.

"Sure dudes!" He said cheery as he lead us to his bedroom upstairs

I speak up, "Oh yeah Stan?" He looks over at me, "Kyle and I, not me and Kyle." I tease

"Shut up smartass.." He grumbles, I grin proudly

Me and Stan sit by one another as we just stare at Kenny, waiting for a good thing to do pop up in one of their brain. Kenny looks up at them like his brain had exploded

"We could have a hotel party!" He screams

"How the-?" Stan gets cut off

"Hell yeah! I have money saved up and we could use that." I say excited at first, calmly at the end

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