2: Brainwash

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Soon enough they did get back to the hotel, they were going to swim in their clothes because they all forgot their swimming suits except for Karen. But as soon at they put their feet in the warm water the alarm went off in an alarm inplant they had in their arms. Sending each one of them scarbbling back up i to the room to get their stuff packed and leave the hotel and go home asap. They bolted to the car, Craig immidiety starting the car and putting it into drive before anyone could even get their seat belts on. The raced and almost got a ticket for going to fast. Once they got back to their houses they threw on their costumes and ran to Cartmans house as fast at they could. They ran into the basement seeing the coon panicking and pacing the lair. (In this one they are all a whole team)

"The hells going on?!" Kenny asks (im just gonna say their name names rather than their super hero names)

"Something bad Toolshed." Dr. Timothy says in his mind

"Well what bad is going on?!" I screech getting tired of the secrecy

"Motherfucking Chaos.." Coon says, "He has asked for your presence Kite." He added

I am surprised and startled by this. Chaos? See me? What?!

"If I go Toolshed goes too." I sternly say

"I thought you'd say that ginger jew fag." He spits

"Oh fuck you Cartman!" I yell

He rolls his eyes

"Why do you want to bring Toolthed? So you guyth can make out intead of doing your jobth?" Scott mocks

Cartman laughs at Scotts dumb remark. I go over and shove him, causing him to fall backwards into a sharp needle full of antidote incase one of us got burnt from lava. It pierced through his arm, causing him to scream like he was being murdered. Everyone looked at me with this shocked, almost scared look on their faces.

"He was being fucking annoying." I say in my defense

Stan gets it. He nods and smiles warmly at me, I feel like face redden but get colder by the second. I turn away back to Cartman. Dr. Timothy and Mysterion were helping fix up stupid Scotts arm wound.

"So can Toolshed come with me or do i have to pierce that needle through your heart this time?" I say eerily calm

He looks at me scared

"Y-Yeah Toolshed can do with you gaywad......" Cartman mumbles

I glare at him, he noticed and bolts out of the way when I shoot lasers straight at him. I eye Cartman one more time before dragging Stan out of the house completely. Mint Berry Crunch comes out after us putting a map in my hand of Chaos' hangout. There was an x on where he would be waiting for me. I nod at him before saying,

"Yo, thanks dude."

"No problem! Mint Berry Crunch saves the day again!"

Cartman chimes in, "Hurry the fuck up!" And Mint Berry Crunch goes running back inside of the lair

I beckon Toolshed on my back and we ride the few miles to Chaos' place. Though he might not be happy to see Stan there the only way I would come is with him. He was my super best friend, and super best hero friend. We always would fight with eachother. If you messed with one, you messed with the other. Cartman always tried to mess up our friendship. One time he actually messed it up for 1 week, but then we of course made up to eachother. We got sorta dostant when he started drinking. But he resolved that problem rather quickly. Toolshed breaks the comfortable silence.

"Soo... I wonder why Chaos wants to see you."

"You might want to stay outside for your own safety Shed." I say

"Alright then, your mission Kite." He chimes back

We finally land down infront of the abandoned looking building where Chaos lives. We stand there and loads of hamsters come scurrying out fron the holes in the place. We look astonished at the millions of hamsters. We hear a speaker come on and talk to us.

"Oh hello there.. Mwhahaha!" We hear Chaos say

By now Stan has hid himself behind a wall. Watching closely to make sure Chaos didnt make a move on me. He opens up a door to which I find a guide of a minion. One of his minions. So I follow him giving Stan a small wave before going out of seeing distance. We come up on a room that says, Chaos Room. So i look at the map to find this is where he was. It opens, he is sitting on a light bkue bean bag chair.

"Ah, Human Kite.." He whispers

"What do you want Butters?" I say loudly

"For you to join me." He says sternly not looking away from the security monitors

"For what reason chaos?" I ask more curious now

"Yesterday I went home to murdered parents Kite.." I look at him in pure shock, "And it was fault of the coon. That fat bitch!" Ok, now I was mad

"You think i'm going to fall for this shit!?" I yell

"Its not a trick Kyle." He says clearly angered

He holds up a tear wet photo of Linda and Chris Stotch crumpled on the floor, all limbs cut off. Eyes on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. Scratch marks all over their bodies. It looked like everything was messed up. I look at him, a tear falls on the floor as I imagine those being my parents, dead.. I look at him. Not thinking at all.

"Let's get them." I mutter

"Thank you Kite." He says surprisingly hugging me, I hug back

"Who all are we going to make sorry?" I ask eagerly wanting to kill the coon

"Everyone on that team." Before I can react he knocks he out with a baseball bat

When I woke up I was covered in what wasnt my costume anymore, but a dark version of the costume. Dark, black. Tinfoil hat on my head, a patch saying, Chaos Kite. I wasnt a fan of the name. I look down at my arm, what was the alarm thing Cartman placed in my arm was no more. It was a little electric box that would notify me by a buzzing sensation if I was needed, and buzz twice if someone was coming for me. Bith very handy things to have. Chaos comes out from the other room strapping my green ushanka on my head. It looked quite nice with the black and tinfoil accents. The ushanka had tinfoil cover most of it, though not all of it. I was ready to fuck those people up.

"Now, you are going to prove yourself worthy of a mission." He starts, "You have to fight 5 minions, then the genral, then me."

"Easy job Chaos. Ill start now." I say confidently

I stand up and he brings out 5 of his minions. Within 8 minutes they were all out cokd with burn marks decorating their faces. He stands their and applaudes me.


Dougie runs down the broken rusty stairs to face me. He looked up at me, he was very small. I smile a big devilish grin at him. I fucked him up so bad he broken both wrists, a black eye, and a busted lip. Chaos looked almost scared to fight me, since he wasnt much better than the General at fighting. I fucked him up too, not as bad as I couldve because I still needed him conscious. He stood up leaning uo against a wall for support. He looked at me with a toothy smile.

"Your the best fighter here!" He laughs

"Yep I guess so." I grit my teeth holding back the urge to go and fuck coon and friends up already

"Welp, lets go fuck them up!" He peps

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