"On your back, honey. This won't be quick,"

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“Take the fight outside, boys.”

Adam chewed on a peanut and watched the stocky, red-haired owner of McCarty’s roughly warned a group of rowdy college boys out of his bar. What started out as a heated argument a while ago seemed to have turned into a fistfight between two young men while the rest of their group cheered them on. Joe broke the fight before it got worse.

“Busy night, Joe?” he asked when the usually cool-headed man passed by them to get behind the bar counter.

“Elisa been a teasin’ the damn infants ‘gain,” he grunted as pulled out some glasses under the counter and started filling them up. “Damn woman been causin’ a lot a commotion, especially on Fridays.”

Joe walked to the other end of the counter, still shaking his head.

“It’s the damn kids. Always looking for trouble,” Adam heard his best friend mutter before downing beer.

Adam gave a quiet laugh in agreement and looked at Nathan. “It’s a good thing we’ve moved past bar fights.”

Just then, Elisa, their blonde waitress, passed in front of them carrying a couple of empty bottles. Her short leather skirt went well above her mid thigh, while the t-shirt she wore barely covered her navel. Nathan pulled the young woman to him, making her squeal, and gave her a loud kiss on the lips.

“What did you do this time, Elisa? Only time boys fight around here is when you played with them,” Nathan said after pulling back from the playful kiss.

Elisa laughed and pulled away from Nathan and gave him a light smack on the chest. “They offered something I knew they wouldn’t be able to deliver.”

“Really,” Nathan said as he eyed her more intently. “Maybe it’s something I can deliver.”

Adam watched as Elisa bit her lower lip enticingly and Nathan’s own eyes lightened with mischief. Then the woman also turned to look at him and drew near, placing her palm on his chest.

“Actually, I was hoping two real men would,” she said the words for only his and Nathan’s ears, "deliver it".

Adam took a swig of his beer before he shook his head and lifted his hand to wiggle his finger, showing Elisa his two-month old wedding band.

A petulant frown showed on Elisa’s face as she pulled back and looked at Nathan.

“You should have stopped him from getting married,” she told the suddenly quiet Nathan accusingly. “The three of us used to have so much fun.”

“The guy said he fell in love,” Nathan said. “A best friend could only do so much. I almost drugged him before the wedding night though and it still didn’t work.”

“Too bad” Elisa murmured. “I missed the two of you.”

The two men stared at Elisa’s delicious behind as she walked away. Adam thought nothing of the conversation and continued to enjoy his drink. They were sitting at their usual Friday spot by the bar. Each man with his own beer, while they watch their home team being pummeled in a game of basketball. Groans and a wide array of swearing filled the bar each time the opposing team scores.

“Why do even watch this sh*t? It’s depressing,” Adam grumbled as he shot a peanut in the air with his finger.

He turned to look at his friend, hoping for a smart-a$$ reply like he usually does. But Adam was surprised to find him quiet after Elisa left.

“You okay, man?” Adam asked.

His best friend didn’t answer right away. Instead, he took his time and drank some beer, as if the golden liquid will help him talk, before he looked at Adam. Nathan’s blue eyes were usually bright, either with moneymaking ideas or trouble. But tonight, there was a hint of sadness and discontent in Nathan that seem to reflect in his eyes. He ran his fingers through his wavy brown hair and blew out a huff of air from his mouth.

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