"I've seen you before sweetheart... don't hide..."

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The rich mahogany of the wood-paneled flooring, and the soft creamy textures of the tall walls contrasted beautifully. Those colors combined with the deep reds, browns, and beiges, gave off an ambiance of warmth. The fire in the hearth was flickering with a light crackling sound, heating the cabin right up. A throaty voice drawled seductively from an old vinyl, and the smooth sounds behind the voice danced along the walls and throughout the cozy family-room, and into the kitchen.
The kitchen was another magnificent room, with marble-tiled flooring, and granite countertops, it was decorated with stainless steel appliances and the magnificent gas-stove installed atop the island-counter in the center of the room. Towards the far corner along the counter that was against the wall, there was a great sink before which was an open window. Frost from the biting cold lined the glass, and she stood washing the dinner plates at the sink and staring out that window. It was a full moon that night, and despite the cold, it was a clear night. No one lived near this cabin for miles, out there in the more wooded area of the town. The guests had just left not too long ago, and since then the breeze had picked up outside.
The wind moaned around the cabin, but it was far too quiet for her to notice. She tucked a lock of auburn hair behind her right ear, and continued to work. Standing where she was, barefoot, her hips swaying, she looked delectable. She wore her knee-length dinner dress, a creamy beige that nearly blended with her skin and had faded tufts of deep blue all through it. From her dainty ears hung a set of soft pearl earring along with a long pearl necklace that hung around her delicate neck, sitting just above the round peaks of the creamy skin at her breasts. Her skin looked almost rosy under the kitchen lights, and her dark reddish brown tresses looked stark against her skin. The long curls had been down all evening but as the guests left, she’d twisted them up into a loose bun, and a few stray strands framed her cheeks. Her name was Lilly.
As she finished with the dishes she wrung out a cloth and began to wipe down the counter, leaning forward into it slightly. It was then that she felt a pair of well-muscled, large, and comfortingly warm arms snake around her waist and pulled her backwards, into a tall, hard body.
Startled at first, her lips parted on a small gasp, before she recognized the smell of him. Giggling she turned her head to the side to see him as best she could, as he pressed in close. He wore only his black trousers, and she squirmed, her giggles turning into whimpers as his lips reached the sensitive skin behind her ear. His skin was darker than hers, tanned from working under the sun, and her head barely reached his broad shoulders, resting at his chest. His hair was naturally so dark it almost looked black, and the color of his eyes stood out against his skin, a cool grey. Her own eyes were a warm hazel, and though his eyes could seem cold at times, while those eyes were looking at her anyone could see the grey turn molten. His name was Adam, her husband. Squirming as his hands splayed open, palm in, over the soft curve of her belly, Lilly tried to pry his fingers away.

“I’m not done cleaning yet, Adam, if you won’t help then at least don’t distract me,” she said in an impatient voice.

His grip tightened on her and he pressed in closer. It was then, that she felt his evident arousal, hot and pulsing, pressed against her. Lilly’s eyes widened and she squirmed,

“A-Adam, I-…I’m not done clea-” she started to stammer out.

She wasn’t sure what had gotten him to this point, and before she could finish her sentence he spun her around only to trap her between his large frame and the counter. Before she could utter another word his lips caught hers, effortlessly, in a searing kiss. Her breath left her, as he tugged at her lips with his own, and parted her only to slide his tongue inside and explore her. His tongue moved in then out of her, and then pulled back to nibble on her bottom lip. Hungry herself now, Lilly lifted up on her toes and reached up to slide her fingers along his jaw and let her own smaller tongue flick out to taste his lips. Moaning he pulled away and looked down at her, already ragged with need. Her lips were a tad swollen now, and his whiskers had left some redness around her mouth. Damn he loved how she looked just then: dazed, breathless, and marked as his.
A possessive need overcame him and he lifted her off of her feet with one final grunt of decision. He would take her, tonight, right away. As he scooped her up, Lilly looked startled yet again and began to squirm in his arms. Suddenly the realization of what was happening sank in and she flushed deeper,

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