𝐈𝐈. same old, same old, same old

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          THE DAY OF THE NEW TERM IS ALWAYS A CHAOTIC ONE — MARE IS SURE IT'S LIKE THAT FOR EVERY FAMILY, NOT JUST THE GALLOWAYS. It doesn't matter how much pre-packing was done the night before, the siblings are always scrambling around the house, hunting down missing socks and school books. Even Milo, as organised as he claimed to be, used to fall victim to the chaos. Speaking of which, it was also Milo's first day working at the Ministry of Magic—the only reason Mare even knew this information was because it had been all Milo and her mother had talked about all summer. Favouritism at its peak.

As for Mare and her mother, well, they hadn't technically spoken since the party. For her last week at home, Mare had taken to practising Quidditch in the garden until it was pitch black and asking the house elves to have her dinner waiting in her room. Until Antionette agrees to cancel her betrothal to Regulus (which she had found out an unbreakable vow ceremony was booked for next spring), Mare would rather face an unforgivable curse than speak to her.

"Mare, do you have my gloves?" asks Bea, appearing at Mare's door. A smile crept its way onto Mare's face when she caught sight of the girls' appearance—bright red, puffy face and frizzy hair. "I think Luli might've put them with your things by mistake,' she adds, quietly, knowing the elf would get a thrashing from their mother if she caught wind of any tasks performed incorrectly by the elf.

Mare shrugged. "You're welcome to check."

Bea began anxiously rummaging through her sister's drawers as Mare turned back to her own suitcase. She was extremely grateful for whatever extension charm her mother had placed on it (the only good thing, Mares decided, she's done recently).

"Ah-ha!" Bea said triumphantly, holding up her baby blue gloves before rushing out of the room.

"You're welcome, then. . ." Mare muttered, looking around her room for anything she might've missed. She noticed some spare quills on her desk and quickly shoves them inside, she was not planning on wasting her allowance on buying new ones. Surprisingly, Mare notes, her room is far tidier than it was when she began tearing it apart in search of her possessions.

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