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As much as I absolutely LOVE my readers, there are a few that can get pretty annoying at times? And I'm not even talking about my stories only. I see these kinds on almost every story I've read.

One of the things that annoy me the most are readers who take things too seriously and completely forget that they're reading fanfiction. 

Readers be like:

"Um, has she showered..?"

"Did she even wash her hands / brush her teeth?"

- Well, I'd like to keep my story interesting so as much as possible I don't include all the unnecessary details like dressing up for ten hours, picking the right outfit, putting on deodorant, flossing, and the like. That should just be understood that the character does those things like every other human being.

There are also readers who can be quite rude and demanding when asking for updates. Again, not just talking about my stories. The sweet and kind ones are totally fine. Idk about other authors, but I find it flattering when people bug me to update as long as they say it nicely. 

Unfortunately, I think some people think I'm a robot who does nothing but write all day. I mean I wish I could do that, but sadly I can't. I work Monday to Fridays from 9-6, arrive home at 7, eat my dinner like every normal human being, do my chores (BLECH), feed the dogs, shower and all that. By the time I'm free to write, I'm already exhausted. I also try to sleep early since I have to wake up early for work. 

So to be honest, I can only squeeze in a few hours for writing during the week, which is why I normally do all my writing on weekends (that is if I don't have to go out or whatever). So please please bear with me. 

Some people say I don't update often? Which is weird? I update at least two of my stories once or twice a week. Sometimes even thrice when I have days off work. Some of my favorite authors update every ten years and I still read their stories okay. 

But anyway, please don't think I'm ungrateful or whatever. I just had to let that all out. I still love every single one of you xxx



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