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Azur Lane Main Base

Vice Admiral's office

Sora Kaiyo, one of the commanders at the Azur Lane Main Base, had been called to the admiral's office seemingly out of nowhere. When he entered, the Vice Admiral stopped saying something to the Admiral. 'Please take a seat.' The Vice Admiral gestured to the only chair in front of his desk. Sora felt something was off. Someone knocked on the office door. 'You may enter.' Sora's fellow commander, Akuma Kurosu, walked in with his secretary, Akagi. Something definitely wasn't right. Akagi glanced at him. A look of victory all over her face. The Vice Admiral and Akuma appeared to not have noticed but the Admiral raised his eyebrows at her.

'Commander Kaiyo,' the Vice Admiral began, a twisted, evil grin forming on his face. 'You have been called here this afternoon for something very important.' He paused. Sora almost begged him to continue; the tension in the room was so high that he didn't want to be there when it snapped. 'Commander Kurosu here, has reported you for sexually harassing his secretary.'

How. How could he do that? Sora thought. How can Akuma make such outrageous claims and be believed? Sora had to be one of the nicest, kindest and gentlest people at the base. There was no way he'd do something like that. He wanted to punch Akuma and the Vice Admiral so badly but he remained under control. If he reacted, the situation would be even worse.

Then it dawned on him, clicked in his mind. Of course! He thought. They had this planned the whole time. That's why he can claim that.

However, the Admiral was just as angry as Sora. 'How could you accuse Sora of that? He would never lay a finger on another person!'

The Vice Admiral seemed to be enjoying this. 'If you don't believe Akuma and I, ask the victim herself. The Admiral turned to Akagi in desperation.

She appeared to be enjoying this as much as the Vice Admiral. Akagi's eyes were filled with tears. Fake tears. Akuma leapt to her defence. 'Of course, if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to.' Akagi nodded and hid her face in Akuma's shoulder in a way that Sora could still see it. She was smirking.

Somehow, the Vice Admiral's evil grin grew wider, stretching, seemingly, from eye to eye. 'As punishment for his actions, I believe Sora should be fired from Azur Lane.'

Sora's eyes widened in disbelief. He looked desperately at the Admiral, who spoke up.

'Even if Sora really did this, being fired is too harsh a punishment. I propose he is sent to the Outpost and any ships that wish to join him can.'

Akagi, Akuma and the Vice Admiral all scowled at once. The Vice Admiral new nothing could be done now that the Admiral had made this decision but it was still good enough. He just wanted to get rid of Sora and this was close enough.

Sora knew there was nothing he could do he just had to pack his bags and hope for the best.

The news spread around the base very quickly. Somehow, every single Royal Navy ship was dumb and dense enough to believe Akuma and the Vice Admiral's lie. All but one. The other three factions weren't as dense and stupid as the Royal navy. There were still some ships from the Eagle Union, Sakura Empire and Ironblood who believed the lie was fact.

Sora had already packed his bags and was exiting his old office for the last time when his secretary, Enterprise, found him. She was completely outraged by what had happened. When Sora had calmed her down, he asked her to gather his ships at the harbour. He didn't have many ships, almost enough for two fleets of 6.

He finally lugged his bags down to his small ship at the harbour. Each commander had their own personal ship. It was around the size of an average yacht. Anyway, Sora had just finished loading his bags onto his ships when his other ships, the shipgirls, had assembled at the harbour.

'Alright girls, as you most likely know already, I have been, er, transferred to the Outpost Base. Whether you come with me or not is up to you.'

'We'll go with you, commander!'

'Yeah, we won't leave you there by yourself.'

'Girls...' Sora's eyes teared up. 'Alright let's get going, it'll take us the rest of the day to get there.'

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)Where stories live. Discover now