Chapter 14: Repairs

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Sora was chilling in his office for 'no good reason', he definitely was NOT playing games on the computer at his desk. The commander received another one of the Admiral's short messages;

Commander Sora Kaiyo,

The repairs on the main base have been completed. I'm inviting you to have a look around the repaired and renovated buildings. You can bring Admiral Hipper if you want.


Sora stood up to find Hipper but instead of moving out from behind his desk and walking out the door, he remained standing in the same spot as he panicked kind of badly. Does he know already? How? We haven't told anyone apart from the other shipgirls here!

Two days ago

Enterprise snuck into the office that evening. Sora and Hipper had just returned from wherever they were and had declared that they were a couple. 'Declared' as in Hipper blushing a lot and Sora blushing not as much while he told the shipgirls after he had assembled them.

Anyway, Enterprise had successfully snuck into the office and turned the computer on. She sent a short message to the Admiral;

Sora and Hipper are a couple now.


She had decided to send a message rather than send a plane because it would have been too suspicious.

Back to the present

Sora, now understanding what had happened thanks to the convenient flashback just now, didn't think for a second to punish Enterprise, like the Author was originally going to make him do. Instead, he broke free of the restrictions of the plot and chuckled to himself. The Admiral was going to find out sooner or later.

The commander let it go and wandered out of the office in the general direction of the dorms. When he got there, Sora walked straight towards the hallway that led to Hipper's room but ran into Bismarck's arm instead.

'You can't go there, Sora. Girls' part of the dorm. I'll get Hipper, you can wait here.'

Deciding to listen to Bismarck, Sora just stood there. His body seemed to move on its own and walked towards the girls' part of the dorm. However, he was stopped by an invisible barrier. Shortly after, Bismarck walked around the corner and was met with Sora appearing to walk into a wall. His legs were moving in a walking motion but he wasn't going anywhere.

Bismarck walked back a few steps and started laughing. Hipper noticed she was laughing and asked her what was so funny as she walked around the corner. Turning her head back to talk to Bismarck, Hipper didn't see Sora until she walked into him. This made Sora snap out of the trance he was in.

'You okay?' he asked as he knelt down and offered his hand to Hipper. Hipper, deciding not to get angry about Sora just 'standing' there took his hand and let him pull her to her feet.

'I'm alright. What do you need me for?'

'The repairs on the main base are finally done. Apparently they added some new stuff which the Admiral has invited us to see. Just you and me though, for some reason,' Sora said as he scratched his head like people do when they're thinking in TV shows.

'Did you tell him?'

'Nope. But SOMEONE did.' Sora now turned his focus to Enterprise, who was attempting to make a 'stealthy retreat'.

Sora and Hipper left for the main base. Hipper didn't get mad at Enterprise because she was able to break free from the restrictions of the plot as well. The Author really needs to do something about this, so that the story doesn't go all over the place, thought the Narrator.

They arrived at the base a few hours later and were greeted by none other than, the Vice Admiral. Upon seeing him, Sora immediately scowled and growled at him.

'Ah, if it isn't the <BLANK> (<- censored for reasons) Commander and his trusty sidekick.'

'Why, you!'

'<BLANK>? What does he mean?'

The Vice Admiral laughed easily. 'Has he really not told you? It's the reason why he was sent to the Outpost in the first place! Anyway, I'm here to take you to the Admiral's office. Now if you'll follow-'

'I know how to get there myself. I used to work here, remember?' It was the Vice Admiral's turn to scowl at Sora, who looked pleased with himself and turned to Hipper. 'Well, shall we go?' Hipper just nodded and followed him.

'When are you gonna do something about him? The Vice Admiral.' Sora closed the office door after he and Hipper entered.

'I'll need some evidence that he's done something wrong. Otherwise, the higher ups won't believe me.' The Admiral sighed. Almost straight after he smiled. 'I nearly forgot, you want to see the renovated base, that's why you came here.' Sora and Admiral Hipper nodded. 'Alright then, follow me.'

The three of them walked around the base until they arrived at the dorms. The Admiral pointed out a few minor changes on the way. 'We took the chance to expand the dorms and docks so we can heave more ships here.'

'Why do we need more? Don't we have enough?'

'Well, some of the smaller bases are shutting down and the shipgirls are being transferred here. We need somewhere for them to stay.'

They continued walking until they reached the briefing rooms. The Admiral held the door open for them.

'The briefing rooms now have a projector on the ceiling so that mission details can be displayed more easily.'

'Whoa! A movie theatre!' Hipper and the Admiral laughed. Meanwhile, Sora was connecting some dots in his mind. Something had clicked when he mentioned movie theatres. The others could practically see the dots being connected.

A BING sounded through the room as a lightbulb appeared above Sora's head. 'I got it!' The lightbulb disappeared as Sora turned to Hipper. 'You wanna go on a date to the movies?' She looked a little surprised at his ability to ask that so calmly. The Admiral laughed. 'Sora, you're not supposed to be that comfortable asking a girl out.'

'Oh. So should I try again?'

'No. Look.' The Admiral gestured to Hipper, who was nodding her head while blushing slightly.

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)Where stories live. Discover now