3| basically kidnapping

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the friends shot him another confused look before turning back to their food. no one spoke and an awkward silence fell over the hall.

"you did say you would be there anytime i needed you," the gryffindor said.
"when did i say that? i don't think we even ever spoke before?" harrison asked, confused.
"not you adair. i was talking to her."

the great hall was silent as they watched this exchange. georgia looked over at the ravenclaws and caught annalyn's eye.

explain later
the dark haired beauty mouthed

the half blood simply nodded before turning back to james.

"what do you need?" she asked trying to be polite.
james lowered his voice so no one but georgia would hear him, "i need your help." and with that he stood up and walked out of the great hall throwing one last look over his shoulder to meet georgia's eyes.

"well that was an experience." harrison states after a few awkward moments of silence. "all right there's nothing to see here move on!" he snapped at the gaping crowd of students. soon they went back to nosing their own business.

well not really. they started to gossip to one another and make up false rumors about the relationship between georgia and james but she would deal with that later. james needed her help and she did promise to be there whenever he needed her.

"i'll be right back haz" she whispered to harrison and after seeing the look on his face she added that she would explain everything to him and annalyn later.

she stood from her table and walked quickly toward the door, ignoring all the looks that the students sent her way.

she was barely out the door when a hard reached out and pulled her into an empty classroom and another one shot out and covered her mouth before she could scream for help.

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