2| unexpected guest

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georgia woke up expecting a day just like yesterday's. it had been three days since the james incident and everything seemed to be back to normal. except her stopped publicly asking lily out on dates.

"it's really boring during meal times now. potter asking evans out was always the highlight of our meals." annalyn henderson complained.
"i wouldn't say boring exactly, but it's just quiet." harrison adair said. georgia stayed silent. the trio were walking to the great hall together.

"you're awfully quiet georgie, what's bothering your pretty little head?"
georgia hadn't told anyone about what happened between james and her in the corridor. "nothing addy go back to annoying harry or something."
"please don't." harry interjected.
they laughed and arrived at the great hall. annalyn walked them to the hufflepuff table before saying goodbye and walking to the ravenclaw table to eat her breakfast.

"i still don't understand why that girl won't sit with us in this table. she's basically an honorary hufflepuff anyways." harrison thought out loud.
"she's embarrassed of you haz." the hufflepuff girl said.

they ate their meal in comfortable silence until someone disturbed the peace by plopping themself into the seat next to georgia.
the two turned to the new guest with raised eyebrows and saw it was james potter.

he just looked back at them and got some food from the table and helped himself.

"um excuse me sir," harrison began, "i think you're lost. the gryffindor table is over there" he pointed to the table filled with lions who were also confused as to why their golden boy was sitting with the badgers, "this is the hufflepuff table." he finished with a polite smile.

"i know"

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