Chapter 2: Who- WHAT ARE YOU?!

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(That's what I think y/n looks like. If you guys want to draw her, please do!)

Your POV

Falling. That's how to describe it I guess. Falling into darkness-
"What the hec - where am I?"
I looked around where I 'landed'. It looks like a city. The color red was EVERYWHERE! 'This has got to be a dream right?!' I looked down at my chest expecting a knife, or a hole or something, but nothing was there. I looked at my leg. No bone sticking out or any sign of damage. 'Yeah,' I told my self, 'this is just a dre-'
"Hey sweet cakes, I'm- "
PUNCH! (again)
I looked up to see who or WHAT I hit. There before me stood a tall, pink and white... THING with a few pairs of arms. The first pair was holding his eye. I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy until it talked again.
"Who are you?!" I asked trying to stand up. "Why do you look weird?"
"First of all babe," his New York accent said, " OW!, second of all the names Angel Dust, but just call me Angel. K' babe?"
"Yeah, ok." I said finally standing up only to see how tall he really was.
"Hey kid, take a picture, it'll last longer. Oh yeah, if ya wondering where you are. Your in Hell. Welcome!" He said waving his arms around. I could see where I punched. Purple and blue surrounded his left eye. Ouch!
"Umm did I hear you correctly?" I asked, feeling the blood rush out of my head.
"Yeah ya did, but don't worry, Angie here will protect ya~"
" What's ya name bunny?"
"Y/n, y/n l/n. And why did you call me 'bunny'?"
"Have you seen your self babe? Here."
He handed me a mirror he pulled out of his chest floof. I looked and almost passed out. I had f/c rabbit ears and my hair was black at the roots and h/c at the tips. My outfit was a cute light blueish purple dress that came to my knees. There was a black ribbon tied around my waist. I also had black flats.
"Oh." I said realizing why he called that.
"Let me guess, do ya need a place to stay?"
"Uhh yes please."
"Ok there's this 'hotel' that I'm staying at that you can stay at too. You just got to be good k'?"
"Yeah I can do that Angel."
"Well, let's be on our way!!!!"
________time skip brought to you by fat nuggets eating Angels shoe________
"Hahaha Angel your the best!"
"I know!"
"Well n/n, here we are, the Happy Hotel!"
I have one thing to say about the place. It. Was. HUGE!! It looked like if you dropped someone off on the top floor, it would take the years to make it down.
"Wow, that's huge Angie. Oh crap!"
"What's wrong babe?"
"I don't have any money!"
"That's ok, ya just have to be behaved and you get a room for free."
"Oh, ok."
So we walked in only to be greeted by a tall, red demon who's smile looked somewhat familiar.
"Hello Dear~"

Quick A/N
Hello my wonderful readers, I hope you are doing well! What's gonna happen next? Will y/n remember who he is???? Wait and find out!
Oh, I want to know, do you guys like long chapters or short chapters? Please let me know in the comments!
Thank you for reading once again

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