Chapter 6-I'll Be With You

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A/N: This is like so short and is a filler and sort of sucks, sorry

-Alex's P.O.V-

        "Wait a second. Wait a second! You girls are actually Disney princesses!?"

        Gabe and Dalton sat across from Jordan and I in shock.

        "This has gotta be a joke."

        I glared at Gabe.

        "Yeah right, I wish it was."

        Dalton slapped the back of Gabe's head before he could retort.

        "So, what princesses are you girls then?"

        "I'm Jasmine. Jordan is Cinderella. Flora is Mulan. Lucia is Belle. And Cassiopeia is Ariel."

        "So that's why Flora and Lucia started crying and stuff. But why Cass?"

        I sighed and placed my head in my hands, hearing Jordan go on.

        "Cass started crying and collapsed because, if it wasn't obvious, the girl who was here, was her daughter. Her's and Eric's to be exact. And the last time Cass saw her she was maybe 5 or so."

        "So, you guys changed appearances when you came here."

        "Yup, and Toddy found us and told us we'd need new names so that's these names. But as Dalton saw, we don't always call each other by these names."

        Gabe and Dalton nodded as Jordan finished explaining everything.

        "But, do either of you two know why Will and Dana went after Flora and Lucia or why Cole was so worried about Cass?"

        Dalton and Gabe glanced at each other before looking back at us. Gabe sighed and racked a hand through his hair.

        "Yeah, we do. Will and Dana, sort of have crushes on Flora and Lucia. Which defiantly doesn't help right now. Cole, Cole's the confusing one. The other two told us flat out they liked the girls with a little persuasion. Cole says he doesn't like Cass that way but its obvious he does."

        I smirked at Gabe.

        "And do either of you have any sort of hidden feelings for us two."

        Gabe winks at me and Dalton blushes.


        Jordan laughs and gets up, patting Dalton's cheek.

        "Sure....Whatever you say handsome."

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