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I woke up with a huge headache, my alarm was blaring making it a lot worse. I hit the stop button and got off my bed. I had continually texted Chinwe yesterday trying to find out what I did but she never replied. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table, so I could check if she had texted me back, nothing.

It was two in the afternoon and I was getting ready to have a nap because I didn't really have the energy to do any other thing when I heard a knock on my door. It must be Chinwe I thought, my whole mood changed in an instant and I ran to the door and unlocked it. My face fell when I saw who it was, "ahh, happy to see you too." She said as she pushed me aside and invited herself in.

"I was just expecting someone else is all," I said as I closed the door and followed Nnena into my living room. "Who were you expecting it to be, Chinwe?" She sat on the couch and put her handbag on my table. "Yeah," I said unenthusiastically.

"Hmm. Did something happen with you two? This one your face looks like something else." I looked up at her and sighed. "Nah, nothing happened," I said as I got up from the couch. "Do you want anything?."

"If I want anything I know where to get it. Now come back here and tell me what happened and stop lying to me." I smiled because she always knew when I was lying and trying to run away from a conversation. "I'm serious, I'm fine." I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. "I know when you're fine and you're far from fine. Common tell me na, when did we start keeping things from each other?" I sighed.

After much contemplation, I decided to tell her, "I kissed Chinwe." I looked anywhere else but at her face. "What?!" She screamed. "But that's a good thing na, abi?." She said looking a little bit confused, I pulled myself up so I could sit on the kitchen counter. "Yeah, I thought it was too. Until after I kissed her she said she had to leave. Like she just left like that." I felt myself starting to get angry, the least she could've done was talk to me.

"Did she kiss you back, did you ask her if she wanted to be kissed?." I looked at her for the first time since I told her about the kiss. "I know I should have asked but I felt I didn't have to because I thought she wanted me to." I put my forehead into my palm feeling a headache coming again. "Did she kiss you back?."

"Yes, she did. Like that's the confusing part. And the funny thing is she was acting like a jealous girlfriend anytime I was on the phone talking to Jenny" My date, I had totally forgotten about it. I was fine before all this truth or dare palaver now my head is all messed up.

"Maybe she's just shocked. I mean this is the first time she's kissed a girl right?" I got down from the counter and walked towards my fridge. "Guy, even still. The least she could've done was at least say something to me. Not run off without a single word. I'm just tired I swear. This whole thing is just fucked up." I opened the fridge, grabbed a drink and leaned on it.

I took a sip, "I really do like her and I was just fine being just friends but I just had to go and fuck things up by kissing her." I threw the drink across the room. "Hey, come here." She opened her arms wide and I slowly walked towards her and felt myself break down as she hugged me. "You'll be fine. I can't really tell you what she was feeling or how she feels but I'm pretty sure she's just trying to figure things out." She released me from the hug and said "How about we get out of here, let's go do something fun, bill's on me." I scoffed "Like I'd pay before but I have a date tonight."

"Fuck your date. I don't think you want to go on a date feeling like this." She was right, I couldn't go on a date in the mental state I was in. "Alright. Gimme a sec." I walked upstairs to my room, grabbed my phone, hoping I'd get a text from Chinwe, still nothing. I texted Jenny so we could reschedule our date, telling her something came up and she totally understood and said it was okay. I changed my outfit, grabbed my keys and walked downstairs "Let's go."
It's been three weeks since I last talked to Chinwe. I guess she really didn't want to talk to me because she tried really hard to make sure we didn't see each other at all at work and I tried everything to make her talk to me but I guess she just didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I eventually went on my date with Jenny and it was amazing, at least something good happened to me amidst this whole wahala. I tried to push the whole Chinwe shit to the back of my mind even though it was really hard. My phone ringing brought me out of my deep thought. It was from Jenny.

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