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The Speed-dating Spectacular

"No," Drago huffed as he crossed his arm over his prosthetic.

"Come on boss.... Please!" One of his many minions whined. "The guys really put effort into this. They just want to see you happy,"

"NO!" Drago growled as his brow twitched. He expected a lot from his minions. Somethings were on the more outrageous side even for the criminal empire he ran but this really took the cake. "Whatever gave you the idea that I would participate in...... in SPEED DATING!"

"Well, we do want to see you happy." The minion braved. "You've been grumpy as of late and well........ Happy bosses maim minions less."

Another minion mumbled "It wouldn't be bad if you had a Missus or a Mister to keep you company,"

Then another spoke up, ganging up on their boss "Yeah, and really it's one night. The venue is already booked and paid for and the food was thrown in for free."

A fourth minion added, "And it's not like we signed you up on eHarmony or Grindr." The yet was left unspoken but Drago had a feeling that his employees wouldn't let this matter drop soon.

Drago grumbled something under his breath before muttering "Fineeee,"

And that was how one of the city's crimelords found himself seated in a four-star restaurant named 'The Twin-headed Dragon' after being given a tux in a garment bag by one of the many minions who had voiced their concerns about his lack of love-life. Drago was sorely tempted to reevaluate employee contracts. The restaurant was empty save for Drago and the wait staff who assured him they had the candidates in another room. The turn out seemed to have surprised even him.

The first person to be nearly dragged to his table, Drago observed was a lanky auburn-haired man. The waiter patted the man on the shoulder just as he was about to protest. Drago let out a cough to get the guy's attention.

"I'm married," Was the first thing the auburn-haired man said.

Drago blinked and then asked, "Then why are you here?" while trying to put a name to the face. He was sure he'd seen the man somewhere.

"I was just picking up some Orange Chicken for my wife..... Who is in the car probably wondering where I am." The man muttered. "This is a big misunderstanding..." And then something dawned on the guy. "Wait... aren't you...?"

Before he could continue his statement the doors to the restaurant were slammed open and a very irate and pregnant blonde woman stood before them. "Hiccup Haddock where in Helheim were you and where is my chicken?!"

The man, Hiccup, gulped as his wife looked between them. Drago saw her eyes narrow as she took in the romantic setting. "Are you trying to steal my husband from me, you hussy?!" she spat.

Drago was thrown for a loop since this was the first time he had been called a hussy. He missed it when the man gulped and backed away as his wife grabbed a small cactus from one of the tables.

"Astrid.... Astrid... really... this is all a misunderstanding," the guy gabbled urgently, trying to placate the furious and now armed Astrid. "Why don't we go see the twins? I'm sure your order is ready."

Astrid huffed but put down the cactus. She did glare at the crimelord with such venom that would have sent any other man quivering. Drago sat uncomfortably in his chair as the couple departed and he swore to never get on the bad side of pregnant women. And then it clicked and he choked on the sip of wine he had taken to calm his nerves after being threatened with a cactus. The woman had called the man Haddock, as in Haddock the Police Chief. 'Did I just accidentally get paired up with the son of the Police Chief?!?!?!' His mind scrambled to find an answer. But Drago didn't have much time to think as his next 'suitor' was led to the table.

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