Chapter 25: Don't Leave

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Note: Little do you know by Alex and Sierra on the multimedia!

Also, WARNING: Suicidal related contents ahead. Read at your own risk.

 Read at your own risk

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You stared blankly at your ceiling as you lay flat on your bed. Then after a few minutes, tears started flooding your eyes again and the sound of your sobs filled the dark and messy room.

The situation's been like this for you ever since you recovered all of your memories. You've been unstable and depressed. You don't even go to school and just after a few bites, you'd stop eating.

Tsukishima has been quietly staying by your side after going to school. He would leave you food and he'd came back to see it unattended. His mother is worried about you being alone at the risk of you, doing something suicidal, so she urged Tsukishima to stay with you. He sleeps in the guest room and his mother would come by everyday to deliver foods she'd cooked.

It's approved by your Aunt because he's the only one she can ask you about since you haven't touched your phone. She also instructed him to take away sharp objects from you, ropes you may use and any other object that you might use to escape life. This was the most they can do to protect you.

When he's in school, his mother stays with you. Though your Aunt and Kuroo wants to do the same, they can't because of their situations. And because Tsukishima wants to stay with you, he's been skipping practice too. He couldn't careless because you were more important.

Everyone's worried about you. The whole volleyball team, your friends, your remaining family, Tsukishima's family and him. But you won't say anything. You'd just space out when they visit and you cry out of nowhere. Seeing you like that broke their hearts.

Honestly, you, yourself, don't understand what's going on. You feel like you're drowning and everything's dark and cold. When fragments of your parent's memories flashes in your mind, you can't help but cry.

Dark thoughts gradually occupied your mind and a voice formed inside. It was telling you about the things you deny. It was blaming you. It was telling you to kill yourself. It was telling you that you don't deserve to live.

Mindlessly, you finally stood up from your bed. Then you proceeded to drag yourself to the bathroom. The cold tiles of the bathroom floor failed to bring you back into your senses.

As you shakily breathe, you locked the door behind you and walked to the bathtub. You turn on the faucet and water slowly filled the shallow tub as you blankly stared at it. (H/c) hair cascaded on your back, you felt heavy, along with your white linen dress that goes below your knees.

Your mind was blank. You were not thinking clearly. The things that you're doing now was impulsively done. Your body was moving itself. The voice inside your head was controlling you and you're succumbing to it.

Your eyes looked dead as you dipped yourself to the overflowing water. Still, you did not bother to turn off the faucet. Dark desires filled your mind as you felt the cold water touch your skin.

You were slowly sinking until your head was fully underwater and you stopped breathing. You shut your eyes and continued staying in the water while you slowly felt sleepy. Everything was black, you were feeling numb and oddly relaxed. Like you're prepared to kill yourself.

You wanted to see your parents again.

Meanwhile, Tsukishima opened the door of your room, only to find you nowhere inside. He was carrying a tray of foods and he put it on a table before looking at the bathroom door.

He slowly approached it and then he heard the tub, overflowing with water. The water even started to come out of the door's seam. Tsukishima then got a bad feeling and started knocking on the door.

"Y/N, answer me," he said. He was thinking there's no way you're taking a bath, because you just took one this morning and your room was cold, it was impossible for you to sweat.

"Y/N, are you okay? What are you doing?" Tsukishima's heart started pounding loudly as he started to get anxious. Terrible thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Y/N. Y/N! Please, answer me! Just tell me you're fine!" His expression was conflicted while he waited for you to answer or even make a sound that indicates you're alive.

As you slowly succumbing to the darkness, you heard his voice. He sounded scared.

"Y/N! Y/N, please, tell me you're alive!" He started banging on the door and he tried opening the doorknob as well. He was using his strength like he was trying to break the door, looking for the key was useless since he didn't know where it was and he was running out of time. Tsukishima was afraid, he didn't want to think that you're gone. He believed that you were still breathing.

And yet, he can't stop the tears that started to stroll down his cheeks.

"Y/N, don't leave! Please, stay for me! Stay, please..." His voice cracked as he begged and fear flashed in his eyes.

"I already lost you once, I can't lose you again..." He whispered as he sobbed hard. You were not answering and he was terrified that you had really killed yourself. Just imagining it was killing him inside.

"Please! Just answer me! Tell me you're alive!" He panicked before yelling your name over and over again. He was getting frustrated at the door and he badly want to break it, but can't. Tsukishima felt like something was squeezing his heart tightly as it ached.

You, dying was his worst nightmare.

"Stay, don't leave me, Y/N. I love you so much," Strained sobs came out of his lips and he slowly fell on the floor while still banging on the door softly. He was in pain as he clutched his chest tightly and leaned his forehead on the door.

"Haaa! Nngh!" He wailed non-stop.

But then, the door clicked open and he immediately looked up as it opened. He was greeted by your soaked self, wearing your white dress as you cried before throwing yourself to him.

"I'm sorry, Kei...I'm sorry..." You apologized as you weeped loudly. His voice brought you back to reality; he saved you again. The fact that he was scared to death to lose you, proved that he loved you more than you imagined.

It took Tsukishima a few seconds before realizing he wasn't dreaming. He immediately hugged you tight and continued to cry hard on your shoulder. It didn't matter if he got drenched, you can tell that he was really scared. So afraid that you made him, the salty King cry like a child. You were the only one capable of making him do so.


Author's Note:

A short chapter for y'all! I hope you cried LOL. Thank you for 19K reads!💖


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