Tears of Pain and Joy

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"CHAT!" I shriek, racing for his side. "Not another step, bug." He snarls. I freeze as he places his knife to Chat's neck. I gasp. "W-why are you d-doing this?" I stammer, terrified. "You took my miraculous!" He shouts. My eyes widen. "Y-you're H-hawkmoth..." I say. He smirks. I step for Chat but Gabriel reaches over Chat's unconscious body and pulls his ring off. A bright green flash envelops Chat. When it fades, I gasp. "Adrien! No!" I cry, rushing over to him, not caring about his father. I grab him and drag him away from Gabriel. "S-son?" He says, hesitantly. Then, he scoffs. "Whatever, it makes my job easier." He says and stands.  I stand over him, spinning my yoyo. "Not. Another. Step." I say, tears already flowing down my cheeks. I reach up to touch the moth miraculous, only to find it gone. I gasp as Gabriel turns into Hawkmoth. I feel tears streaking down my face now. I barely notice the purple butterfly heading towards me, entering my baton. "Now, Devilbug, take the other miraculous from their holders," Hawkmoth said. "I freeze and grab my baton and throw it at him. It misses and comes back to my hands. I transform into Devilbug again, and I turn to Hawkmoth. "No." I snarl. "Now, I will tear you apart." And then I sprang.

*Adrien's pov*

I groan and sit up, looking around. Looking at myself, I realize that I am in civilian form. "No." I hear someone say. I turn to see Devilbug facing Hawkmoth. "Now, I will tear you apart." Then, she leaped at Hawkmoth, cracking her baton into the side of his head. "How dare you stab your own son! How dare you attack us! How dare you?!" She shrieks, hitting Hawkmoth's side with her baton. Son? I gasp, realizing what that meant. I see Devilbug turn. "Adrien!" She shouted, running to me. She knelt down and pressed her lips into mine. My eyes widen but then I sink into it. "I-I love you." She says. I stare at her with wide eyes as she turns. "Forgive me for what I am about to do, but he needs to be stopped." She says. Was she going to kill him? I knew I was going to find out. Then, Devilbug held her baton and slammed it into the side of his father's head. Hawkmoth shouted at her in fury. Then, I saw it. A glittering black ring, sitting on the ground, not 5 feet away from him. I grab it and Plagg flies out of it. "Hurry and transform kid," Plagg says quickly. "Plagg, claws out!" I say. My Chat Noir suit envelops my body, the cool leather comforting against my skin. I jump towards the fight. "Hey M'Lady, need a helping hand?" I ask, completely serious. Suddenly, I duck, narrowly avoiding a hit with Hawkmoth's cane to my head. "Careful kitty." She says, blocking another punch from the villain. I grab my baton and smack Hawkmoth in the head again. This time, he gets knocked out and Ladybug is instantly de-evilized. I walk up to my father... Hawkmoth, and grab his miraculous. He instantly detransforms. I grimace and turn to Ladybug. "Ladybug! Watch out!" I shriek. Then, Ladybug falls to the ground, revealing Mayura, holding a bloody dagger. 

"Ladybug! No!" I cry, rushing towards the love of my life. I detransform and run towards her. "Ladybug!" I cry again, gathering her in my arms. "No! Marinette! please! Don't die on me! please! I... I love you!" I cry, my voice laced with grief. I feel her pulse. Slow. Too slow. It was faint, barely fluttering against my fingers. "M'Lady..." I wept. I felt a gentle hand on my face. I crack my eyes to mee Ladybug's bluebells eyes. "A-Adrien..." She said softly. "I... I love... you... Never... Forget... Me..." She whispered. "Never Mari. Never." I vowed, tears sliding down my face. "Please..." I begged, desperation in my voice. "Don't die on me..." She smiled slightly and her eyes fluttered closed. Her breath's shortening, then stopping. "No!"I cried, burying my face in her chest. Her body was stiff in my arms. I gently laid her in the ground. She was so peaceful. I slumped next to her, my tears pooling around me. "A-Adrien?" I heard a small voice ask. I turn to find Alya and Nino. "I-is she..." I nod. Alya crumples. "Ladybug..." She whispers. Nino holds her, rocking her. I just sit by Marinette's side, grasping her hand, as if maybe, just maybe, she could feel it, and come back... I poured my heart into my hands, my cries filling the empty sky. Why her? Why Marinette? Slowly, the world faded away and it was just me, alone in a dark world. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my fa- Gabriel. I look at him with venom. "Adrien, please listen..." I snap. "No! You listen! Your selfish acts have killed the love of my life! I hate you!" I scream. I turn around and clutch Marinette's limp hand to my chest. Around me, the other heroes were waking up from the attack. "L-Ladybug?" Chloe says, tears running down her cheeks. The other heroes gather around me to mourn the lost hero. Lupus carried Dreamcatcher's body over and placed her next to Ladybug. We all look to the fallen heroes, crying. "Ladybug..." I whisper. "Ladybug..." I repeated. I finally stand, gently placing Ladybug's limp hand next to her. I knew what I had to do. I walked over to the side, grabbing Ladybug's Lucky Charm. I tossed it into the air pleading that it would work. "Miraculous Ladybug," I whispered. Suddenly, the skies lit up and the magical ladybugs fixed everything. I looked around as Paris was reconstructed and I smiled. We still had our injuries, but that was normal. I walked back to Ladybug and realized that... she was still gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around, only to see Dreamcatcher's civilian self. "Chat, Adrien, get her earrings. You'll have one wish, but there will be a price to pay. I bowed my head and walked over to Ladybug's body. Bending over, I gently removed the earrings. She transformed back, revealing Marinette. Alya gasped and cried harder. I felt more tears snaking down my face. "Adrien. Please reconsider." I hear Gabriel say, I refuse to call him my father. I turn to face him, my eyes alight in fury. "You think that it's ok for you to use our miraculous but not me? I am saving the love of my life and honestly, I don't care if it even kills me! As long as she's alive, I don't care what else happens!" I shout. Gabriel steps back, stunned. "I... I was doing this for your mother. To bring her back..." He said. That was the final straw for me. I grabbed the earrings, stabbing then through my ears. "Tikki! Plagg! unify!" I shouted. I felt cool leather cover my body. I opened my eyes to see that everyone was looking at me, eyes wide. 'I... I wish... I wish Marinette was still alive!' I thought. Light emitted from my hands, and everything went dark.

*??? pov*

I slowly opened my eyes. "W-what happened?" I asked, hesitant. I see someone clad in a gold, red, and black suit. They turned, revealing that it was Chat Noir. "MARINETTE!" He shouted, racing up to me. He grabbed me and hugged me close, burying his face into my hair. "Mari..." He murmured. His black cape seemed to entrap us, pulling us closer. "I hear a cry of shock and felt someone rip me away from Adrien's embrace. "Are you ok? I was so scared! Don't you dare do that to me again!" Alys says, hugging me. I hugged her back. One by one, I was greeted by everyone. Finally, I get back to Adrien. I look at him, his eyes glowing. "Claws in." He says, reverting to civilian form. He hands me my earrings. "I believe these are yours." He says, handing them to me. I smile lightly and pull him into a kiss. Cheers erupt around us and we break apart, both a shade of red that rivals my Ladybug suit. "Marinette, what are we gonna do with you?" Alya asks, shaking her head slightly. I grin. "Nothing, it's a matter as of what I am going to do to keep her safe," Adrien says. I blush dark red as he hugs me from behind. He turns me around and I grin. He kisses me again and I melt into his embrace. When we break apart, I walk and find. Alex, a.k.a. Dreamcatcher. I hold my hand out, her ring resting in my palm. "I believe this is yours," I say to her. She looks up at me and shakes her head. "No, Ladybug. I am not Dreamcatcher anymore. The ring is yours. I am retiring." She says, closing my fingers back around the white ring. "Besides, it matches your kitty's costume." She winks. I blush. How did that cat have such an effect on her? Alex smirks and walks to Lupus. "Hey, detransform. We are going back to California. Tigress, you too." I tilt my head. Did they know each other? Lupus detransforms first. His shaggy brown hair fell over his eyes and he wore black glasses. "Sis, why can't we move to like... Florida?" He asks. Alex groans. "Why am I the oldest? Why can't Vanessa have taken that responsibility?" She mutters to herself. Oh. They were siblings! I smile at the trio and turn back to my team. "Wait." I hear a voice say. The tiger miraculous holder, Tigress, placed something in her hands. In her hands was a black and white choker, and a grey and white bracelet. "We won't be needing our miraculous anymore. We already gave Master Fu our box." I nod and go back to the others. When I got there, I wrapped my arms around Adrien. He laughed and hugged me close. "They gave me their miraculous." Adrien nodded and we all transformed and went to the bottom of the building. The scene in front of us shocked us all. Police lights flashed, bouncing off the walls, officers everywhere. "Ladybug! Chat Noir!" I heard a reporter say. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you have any thoughts on the Gabriel Agreste arrest?" She asked. "Oh... I Ummm." I stammered. Chat placed a hand on my shoulder. "Not now. I'm sorry. We need time to recover from the battle. We took quite a beating and we need several days without the press following us so if you could spread the word..." The reporter nodded quickly. "Anything for you Ladybug!" She said and walked away, chattering to other reporters. I walked over to Officer Raincomprix, Sabrina's dad. "Hello officer," I said. "We need you to please arrest Gabriel Agreste's assistant Natalie. She was also involved. She and Gabriel also each tried to kill me and Chat. I won't go into too much detail but they had knives on hand. Also, it would probably be smart to arrest Lila Rossi and Chloe Bourgeois. They are known allies of Hawkmoth and Lila has tried to kill my civilian self as well. One more thing, Adrien Agreste is in no way associating with Hawkmoth or Mayura so please leave him alone." Officer Raincomprix nodded and shouted orders to the other officers. I turn to Chat. "My place or yours?" He asked. "Mine," I said. "You might not be able to get to yours." He nodded and we jumped towards my house, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee following close behind.

Heyyy!!! Almost 2000 words! Ha! Bet that makes up for yesterday's short chapter! Anyway, I might post later but most likely tomorrow. Anyway, stay paw-sitive and I'll see you next chapter!

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