The Tenth Maiden

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                                                       Written and Illustrated by Sophia Davis

  A long long time ago, in a world not unlike our own, dwelt a lush green valley surrounded by tall, dark, foreboding trees

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A long long time ago, in a world not unlike our own, dwelt a lush green valley surrounded by tall, dark, foreboding trees. It was a magical forest, for in the years past a great sorceror had cast a spell upon it, one that could not be broken lest a powerful hand remove the veil. Hidden beneath the tall, steep, and treacherous gaze of Mt. Fatum, it was overlooked easily by the eyes of most. Only the wisest of creatures could even catch a glimpse of it's magnificence. Inside the wooden cove, amongst the wild berries, warm bubbling brooks, and hot refreshing springs, lived creatures of the most unlikely of sorts. They were Drymadians, or Dryads for short, thin woodish nymphs, with pointed ears and an almost human-like face about them. But these weren't like any other wood nymphs. The magic of the forest had evolved them into clever, interesting beings, capable of thought and utterance. They had formed a small community, building tent-like homes and houses amongst the trees and hills. Having a considerable advantage over the other less fortunate and clever beings of the forest, they felt themselves superior, and took time and effort to seclude their villages from those less smart and powerful than they were. Though lacking in humbleness and grace, the forest nymphs were kind, cheerful and welcoming. So it was not unusual for them to introduce into their midst an old elven leader. Her name was Raina. A wise, thoughtful, and breathtakingly beautiful Earthen elf, she shared her knowledge of the Mist Realm and, her love for all creatures to any who happened to pass her by. Her happinesss and joy did indeed have impacts on her appearance for, being an elf, she grew younger and more beautiful every day. She settled herself down in a quaint wood cottage on the outskirts of the valley.

Not as much as to stay near others, but to keep an eye on all that occured inside and outside of the forest. As the the tenth fallen Venifi she was the last of her kind. Years ago a war had sprung up amongst the evil Earthen elves and the Venifi. The Venifi were the protectors, healers, and ever-wise counselors of the Misty Realm. They possessed many magical abilities, and the less powerful and greedy sought to rid the four realms of their leaders. The Cold War brought about many deaths, but even more hatred. Two best friends were split apart, one being tragically killed by the Venifi in an accident. The friend, already jealous of the Venifi, sought vengeance upon them. She rose above the others, a great warrior and champion. She was Sumatressle. For years this saddened young elf fought the Venifi one by one until only one was left. With maddening determination she mowed the four realms, never ever ceasing her search, and never ever losing her strive for vengeance.

Years passed and peace had once again fallen over the Misty Realm. Sumatressle had not been spotted for decades, and a new season had come to bloom. One of friendship, love, and tranquility. From the eastern realm of Terras came a vessel of people, seeking a new life in a new country. What had once become a rariety to encounter a human was now a fairly common ordeal. Raina, flourishing amongst her beautiful Dryad friends, and rejoicing over this happy new era, thought at last that the darkness had passed. She grew less cautious, and often wandered outside of the forest boundaries. This is how, one day while she was roaming the outskirts of the wood, she came across a little boy. As she had stood picking elderflower from a nearby bush, she heard the faint sound of whimpering coming from the brush in front of her. She wandered closer to the noise, curious as to what was making the sound. Being the observant type as she was, she decided to stealthily creep around the area so as to see while not be seen herself. When stationed to the direct left of the noise Raina pushed aside a branch to get a closer look. What she saw amazed her. Sitting, curled up in a ball, dwelt a little boy with tears flowing down his face. She examined the area around him and decided that it would be safe to venture forward. As she stepped out of her hiding spot the young boy looked up abruptly. As his eyes locked into hers she immediately felt at ease and had the urge to comfort this weeping lad. The boy, whose name we shall later learn, was a small child around the age of seven or eight. His hair was a mousy brown color that curled around his ears and the nape of his neck. Raina, being a kindly sort, took up the wee lad in her arms and stroked his forehead, making comforting noises as to soothe the boy. Once he had stopped crying she looked down at him and asked,

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