the last step

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it was now monday and every body was entering the school and right when they where in there classes the bombs went off. I pulled out two pistols that i took from my dad and shot everyone in my class. I went to every class and killed off everyone but Vincent, Darek, and Travis I had something else planned for them. i took them to an empty room and tied them to the chairs and started to beat up each one of them. I pulled out a knife and cut all there hands off and started to slap them with them. After that decided to start cutting them in random places. I heard the fire department so I hurried. Then I stabbed them each in the heart and went to shoot myself when an officer tackled me and handcuffed me. That was the last step was to kill myself to be reborn but I failed. They thought I was crazy and now I lay in an asylum forever while the demon torments me for failing.

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