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Danny and Joe sat in their rooms, waiting their fate. Joe wondered if he would get in trouble- he hadn't done anything wrong, and neither had Danny in his eyes. Dad had just been so furious both of his well-behaved sons got into trouble the same day. He had just sent them both to their rooms, not ready to deal with it.

Danny sighed as he stared at his ceiling, figuring out what he was going to say to his father. Sure, he had gotten into a fight and ruined his best khakis, but the boys were picking on Joe! No matter how much his siblings might annoy him, he wasn't going to stop at anything in order to keep them safe. He heard indistinguishable yelling from downstairs, and wondering if Dad was yelling about him and Joe, or if he was yelling at Mom. Being curious was a curse and a blessing, he had determined that a while ago. Now, though, it looked like a curse as he crept down the stairs to hear better.

"Frank, honey, calm down-"

"I am calm!" He boomed back at her. "I'm as calm as I can be! I can't believe those two- getting into a fight! After all we've taught them-"

"Francis Xavier, shut up and listen to me!" Mary somehow managed to yell as loudly as he had.

Way to go, Ma!

"Listen carefully and fully. Joe was playing by himself, minding his own business. You know how he can spend hours with that Rubix cube." She was happy when Frank smirked. "He was in the field, figuring it out. Then, for no reason whatsoever, the bullies came and started picking on him. He wasn't doing anything wrong! Then Danny walked by, saw that it was his brother that was getting hit and punched. So he did what any good brother would do: he stood up for his brother. Protected him. And while I don't agree with his tactics...." Mary sighed, "you should've seen him in the office today, Frank. He just.... he looked so small, as if he was six. Joe looked even smaller. So before you go up there and whack them, think about it. Joe did absolutely nothing wrong; and Danny was protecting his brother the only way he knew how."

With determination, Danny walked into the kitchen. "I'm sorry I got into a fight, Dad," he apologized, not exactly looking at him. "But they were beating up Joe, and I couldn't let them do that...."

Frank sighed, "your Mom explained it to me. I don't agree with how you handled that, Danny. But it is good that you helped your brother. You're grounded for two weeks, though."

Danny nodded, understanding the consequences.

"Send Joe down and stay in that room until dinner."

"Yes, sir." He walked to the stairs, and up them, to Joe's room. Calling through the door, he said, "Dad wants to talk to you, Joe."

"Okay," came a sad, almost scared answer.

"Dad's not that mad, Joey. I doubt you'll even get punished," he grumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Says you," Joe replied, opening the door. He closed it behind him, and slowly walked down the stairs.

Danny went to his room, and sat on the bed. He wondered what the punishment would be: no sports? No fun books? No careless meandering?

A small knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Danny! Come an' play!"

He rolled his eyes to the ceiling. His little brother, Jamie, always wanted to play with him or Joe or Erin. The problem was, Jamie was four- ten years younger than himself. He had nothing in common with a four year old, only that they shared the same family. "Go away, Jamie!"

"But you pomised!" He stamped his little foot.

"Take a hike, kid!"


"I mean it: scram!"

Jamie's lower lip quivered, and he ran down the stairs, stuffed bear in his hand. "Mommy! Mommy!" Crying, he ran into the kitchen.

"Jamie, what's wrong?" Mary immediately stopped what she was doing to check her four year old. She pushed his hair back as a hand ran over his arm.

"D-Danny mean!"

"Danny was mean? Why?"

"He won't pay."

"Play, sweetie, with an L.... Jamie, Danny can't play with you now. He has to sit in his room and be quiet."

"No fun?"

"No fun," Mary shook her head, matching his disappointed tone. "But Erin could play with you. Where is that girl? You go look for her, and I'll have a talk with your brother."

He rubbed the tears away with small fists, "okay."

Mary walked up to her oldest son's room. She knocked and stuck her head in, "can we talk?"

It really wasn't a question. Danny shrugged, not wanting to talk to anyone about anything.

"Jamie says you were mean."

"Was not."

"Danny.... I don't agree at all with how you handled things at school. Not even slightly. But you stood up for your brother. You're a very physical person, Danny. You need to learn to speak with words, not your fists."

The fourteen year old remained silent. He sighed, "Dad's pretty pissed, isn't he?"

"No. He's not. He's teed off, he's angry, he's disappointed. But not that word."

"It wasn't my fault, Mom!" Danny tried again. "They were hurting Joey!"

"I know, baby. I know. But..... you're a smart boy, Danny. You just... don't think before you act. You never look before you jump. And you have to. If you want to be a cop, you have to look before leaping."

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"And you haven't learned anything!" Mary sighed, frustrated. She wasn't going to give up on her stubborn teenager. "Listen, if you can't solve things with your words, what're you going to do?"

Danny's first inclination was to say punch the guy's lights out. But he knew what his mother was getting at. "Get an adult who can help you."

"Right. Find someone capable of helping you, whether that be me or Dad or a friend or your wife-"

Danny rolled his eyes. He didn't want a wife. He wanted to play the field for a while.

"You have a lot of people around you who love and support you. Don't be stupid and throw that all away." She kissed his cheek and walked out, "I'll have Erin get you for dinner."

Danny rolled his eyes; he didn't hear much of what his mother had said. He was okay, though; he'd be okay. He knew he'd be okay.

Big Brother DannyWhere stories live. Discover now