I Think I Love You

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Seventeen year old Danny Reagan sighed dramatically as he cut a piece of steak. He and his family were invited to a retirement party for one of Dad's army buddies or something like that. Danny stopped paying attention when he was told he would have to wear a suit. He shifted uncomfortably, wondering how he'd ever survive as a detective.

He looked over to his younger sister, Erin, who was lively talking with a boy he was sure she deemed "cute". Personally, he thought the boy was ugly and his eyes were too far apart. Oh my gosh. Not only am I a snarky smart ass, but I'm also a judge-mental bitch. His eyes are still too far apart, though.

"You're so complicated," he heard Erin say dreamily followed by a laugh. Danny rolled his eyes and looked to his younger brother, Joe, who had just outgrown the nickname 'Joey'. According to Joe, Joey was too childish for a twelve and a half year old. Personally, Danny always liked the name Joey. Maybe he'd name his kid or pet Joey. Joe was busy staring at his food, making patterns in the buttered mashed potatoes with his fork. He'd smooth the starchy food out, then make more patterns. Obviously, he was just as bored as his older brother.

Danny took a sip of his drink, which was Coke-a-Cola. In England, he'd be allowed to drink beer. A squeal of laughter prompted his attention to his baby brother, Jamie. He was sitting with his parents, as well as another family with a small little boy. Apparently, the two had gotten along right away.

Danny turned back to his food and sighed. "This sucks."

Quickly, Erin turned to her older brother. "We don't say that," she scolded before getting back to her conversation.

"Okay, it blows." He rolled his eyes, and took another bite of steak. He had to admit the dinner tasted fantastic. What's not to like about steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a salad?

"We don't say that either, butthead." Erin snapped around him, before turning back to her friend. "You'll have to excuse my brother- he was dropped as a baby."

Danny only snorted, shaking his head at his sister. "Girls." More importantly, girl sister."

"What's a guy like you doin' in a classy place like this?"

Danny perked up at the familiar voice. "Linda! What're you doing here?" He watched her set her plate down next to him, where a vacant spot lay. Her full glass of What he expected to be root beer followed the plate.

"Turns out, my grandpa served with the guy that's retiring?" She picked up her long, floor length, burgundy skirt, and pulled out the chair. Danny thought her blonde hair went perfectly with the color of the dress. She sat down, "they served the same year or on the same platoon or something like that." She unfolded the napkin and put it in her lap. "I don't give a damn about that stuff. I only say 'oh' and act interested when another war story is released on me."

Danny smiled as she tossed her long, perfectly curled blonde hair over her shoulder. "So what's the story with you?"

"Same as you, basically. Except the guy was Dad's TO or commander or something. I don't know. I stopped paying attention after learning we had to dress up."

Linda laughed out loud, making Danny's heart swell. Was he in love with her? They had only ever hung out with mutual friends, but he was getting to know her. And he was liking what he was gathering. "You're gonna have to get used to it if you wanna be a detective."

Danny nodded, "I know. It's just so itchy and stiff."

"The prices you pay for handsome." Her cheeks tinted pink, and she gave an awkward laugh.

Danny's cheeks did the same, and he looked away, as did she. So she thought he was handsome. That's good. Cause he thought she was pretty. Deciding to take the embarrassment away, he said, "I like your dress. You look pretty."

A wide smile spread onto Linda's face. "Thank you! I like your suit, even if you don't."

Silence hung in the air, which Danny hated. It was an awkward silence, needing to be filled with something! But what could he say to her? Nice weather? How's your parents? Good to see you. Nice shoes. I love you.

Danny raised his eyebrows at that last thought. He wasn't in love; he'd only known this girl for five months. Wait. Am I in love with Linda? No. There are more things I hate about her than I like about her.

Like what? Another part of his brain challenged.

Her stupid chokers, her extensive leather boot collection. Oh, and she loves that Wahlberg fellow too much. She once talked about a new song of his band she heard for two hours. I timed it. And she only stopped because she saw me timing her. Granted, she laughed, and kind of made fun of herself, it was a nice moment, but still. She always twitches her eyebrows when she says "absolutism," and she tilts her head whenever I say anything ignorant, but she never makes fun of me, which is nice. She's also incredibly patient, and kind, and surprisingly curvy, and, oh, hell, I'm in love with Linda! I wonder what would happen if I just said 'Linda, I'm in love with you'?

"Danny..." Linda had a funny look in her face. "Did- did you just say you loved me?"

"What? No. No I didn't. Was that out loud?" Pathetically and embarrassedly, Danny whimpered, "omigosh..."

Linda surprised him when she leaned over and pecked his cheek. "I think I love you, too."

"Really?" A smile spread across his features.

"Mhmm. I realized it last night. I like you, Danny. A lot. You're cute and funny and nice and kinda a jackass..."

Danny made a funny face.

"But that can be over looked. Everyone has flaws that can be corrected and over looked."

"Why do you even like me? I mean, I think I'm far from your type."

She shrugged, looking down at her fork. Peeking through her blonde trendles, she answered, "you're the only guy who hasn't tried to get into my pants. I told you I didn't want that, and you immediately agreed to respect me.... most guys try anyways."

"Just so you know, I'd never try to force you into doing something you don't want to do."

"And that's another reason why I like you. You're actually respectable, despite the way you act."

They spent the rest of the evening chatting about everything. Yep, Danny definitely loved Linda.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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