Chapter 1

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*In the process of editing.... enjoy❤️😊

My testimony

Okay, so as a child I was brought up in a Christian home, we went to church did the normal things a Christian will do. My parents were both born again Christians. My dad grew up in church and my mom gave her life to Christ when my eldest sister was born. I went to Sunday School every Sunday and was taught about the love of Jesus which I never doubted. When I got older my focus turned away from God and I had idols in my life. I loved worldly songs and I got so attached to the world that I didn't really want to listen about anything that got to do with God. I didn't like when my mom played her gospel music and I cringed inside when she spoke about Him. It's not that I hated God I loved Him but at that point in my life I wanted to be "free". At the age of 11 I became depressed I hated how I looked , I didn't get the attention I wanted from family members, it was basically the lowest year of my life. I remember this day when my aunt came to visit my family and I and she looked at me and said, "you know you got really fat". That's when my insecurity levels went sky high. No girl wants to hear that, so that just made me feel so low about myself and of course as a young girl I believed her. I ran to my room and I just stood there....staring at the wall and all of the sudden I felt God's love I just felt at peace and I knew God was letting me know that he loves me and his there for me. From that point onwards my relationship with God just got better and stronger. In that year I start getting strange dreams and I felt like I was experiencing what I dreamt about, in real life. Some days would feel like deja vu. The dreams I had got more serious it went from normal dreams to unusual dreams and then to visions. God revealed things to me that was going to happen in the future and what's happening in others life's and I believe that he wants me to share this with everyone so I really hope it blesses you.

I have seen myself through God's eyes and I have never loved myself as much as I do now, so whoever feels like they not "pretty enough" or wants to look or be different, God has designed you perfectly and I truly mean it. Try to see yourself through God's eyes..look at every detail, the way he shaped you, the color of your hair and eyes and how it matches so perfectly. I hope this encourages you. Never forget that God loves you and he has a perfect plan for your life so don't give up❤️.

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