Part 7

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Today Harry doesn't open his eyes to see the sun shining through the window above their bed since it's a rainy day in London.

But he doesn't need the sun because the literal sunshine is currently curled up besides him, one arm loosely wrapped around Harry's middle.

He snores quietly which Harry finds absolutely adorable.

He tucks himself under Louis' chin and tries to fall asleep again but gives up around half an hour later as he slowly untangles himself from Louis.

He goes downstairs and makes them both some tea.

While the water is starting to boil, Harry takes a quick look at his self-isolation list.

They've already done some things which he proudly ticked.

With a little giggle he reads through the rest of the ideas and quickly settles on a good one, especially for this weather.

He takes out his phone and sends a message to a few friends informing them about his plan.

He doesn't even wait for Louis to agree because let's be honest, he would never say no.

Speaking of the tiny devil, a grumpy figure appears in the kitchen and goes directly into Harry's arms.

"Hate this weather" Louis mumbles as he pulls Harry impossibly closer.

"I know baby, that's why I made you some tea" Harry says as he motions over to the kitchen counter.

"That's why I love you" Louis says as he takes a sip of his hot tea.

"Only because of that?" Harry asks with a pout but with a playful glint in his eyes.

"No of course not only because of that baby. Not even a lifetime is enough time to be able to fully describe how much I love you" Louis says.

"Lou" Harry whimpers with watery eyes.

"Haz" Louis whispers before he pulls Harry closer by his neck and slowly brings their lips together in a loving kiss.

"I love you so much" Harry pants against Louis' lips.

"The feeling is mutual baby" Louis says with a final kiss to Harry's lips.

As they finish their breakfast, Harry takes his list in his hands with big excitement written over his face.

"What is it for today darling?" Louis asks with a smile on his face.

"We are going to perform a play" Harry says.

"We are what?" Louis asks with a frown.

"Perform a play. It can't be that hard" Harry says with a giggle.

"Perform it to who?" Louis asks with a smile.

"A few friends, I already texted them. We are going to do it over zoom" Harry explains.

"Oh Harold dear, you know how I feel about this new technology" Louis says with a sigh.

"It will be fun though" Harry states.

"About how many friends are we talking here? Don't wanna completely embarrass myself" Louis asks.

"Just like ten or something" Harry says with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Ten? Tell me who and I'll think about it" Louis says.

"No Lou, it's a surprise. Please do it for me" Harry says with big, sparkly eyes.

"Okay" Louis says with a sigh before he's being attacked by a giant frog, planting himself into his lap and placing numerous kisses onto his face.

Self-isolation in the Styles-Tomlinson household Where stories live. Discover now