Part 12

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The past few weeks have been quite lazy ones in the Styles-Tomlinson household.

Their days mostly consisted of cuddling, going for walks, spending quality time on their couch and Louis watching Harry learning new recipes in the kitchen.

Today, Harry and Louis are going horseback riding with a few of their friends.

"Lou baby, get up" Harry whispers as he presses multiple pecks all across Louis' face, finishing up with a long one on his lips.

"Too early" Louis mumbles with a scrunched up face.

"Come on, Boo. Let's take a shower and then I'll make us a nice breakfast" Harry suggests and at the sound of food, Louis has seemed to be convinced.

After another few minutes of cuddling in the bright morning sun, they both take a quick shower and Harry makes them Eggs Benedict.

After finishing up, they drive to their destination to meet up with their friends.

Everyone gets ready as Louis experimentally stands in front of the horse.

"You're a big guy" he says as he tries to figure out how to get on the horse.

After multiple failed attempts, Harry comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his middle.

"Need any help love?" Harry asks as he places a kiss on Louis' neck.

"No" Louis says stubbornly before he nearly falls back down.

Luckily Harry managed to catch him as he lets out a deep chuckle.

"Stop laughing, not everyone can be as tall as you" Louis says with a pout and a faint blush on his face.

"Sorry baby. Let me help you" Harry says before helping Louis up on the horse with a soft "there you go love".
Louis mutters a little "thanks Haz" in response before Harry also gets on his horse.

They ride for about 2 hours while Harry and Louis are mostly right next to each other as they take in the sunny weather and the beautiful landscape.

"I'm quite glad that we finally found time to do this" Harry says as they take a little break.

"Me too love. Might wanna consider riding on a horse for your next music video" Louis suggest with a smirk before putting a strand of hair out of Harry's face and behind his ear.

"Let's pull your hair up love, don't want it to fall into your face all the time" Louis says before taking the scrunchie off his wrist and making Harry a little bun.

Harry loves to use scrunchies lately so Louis always got one around his wrist for whenever Harry would need one.

After picking up some much needed groceries on their way back, they find themselves sitting on the couch.

Harry admires Louis for a second, his clean shaven face, his long eyelashes and the way his eyes crinkle while he smiles at Harry.

His hair has been getting quite long as well since they've been growing their hair out together.

It's something that started years ago as Harry was insecure about growing his hair out for the first time.

Luckily, Louis was there to support him and he grew out his hair with him until Harry felt comfortable.

Since then, it's been something they've done quite often.  It has become their little thing.

As Harry stares at way Louis' hair seems to curl at the end of his neck, he seems to get an idea.

"Lou?" Harry asks.

"Yes baby?" Louis responds.

"Can I put one of my scrunchies in your hair?" Harry asks with big eyes.

"Why would you wanna do that?" Louis asks with a chuckle.

"Your hair has been getting so long and you would look so cute with a little bun" Harry says.

"I'm not cute. I'm manly" Louis states with a pout which makes him look even cuter if you'd ask Harry.

"Please Lou, we would match" Harry says as he slowly places himself in Louis' lap.

He slowly straddles Louis' hips and brings his hands up into Louis' hair, making a little bun.

His tongue is poking out while he concentrates and Louis can't help himself as he's looking at his husband with fond in his eyes.

"Perfect" Harry says as he has finished up.

He quickly takes out his phone to take a cute selfie of the two, both are smiling bright at the camera as Harry is taking the picture.

He opens Instagram and puts it on his story with the caption 'matching with the husband' before he uploads it on his private instagram story.

He quickly types around his phone some more and Louis is getting suspicious.

"What are you doing?" he asks. "Just sending the picture to the family. You look so cute" Harry says with a dopey grin on his face.

"You're not sending it to our family group chat, aren't you?" Louis asks with raised eyebrows while Harry just stays silent.

"Haz no, they'll make fun of me. I can already see Lottie's comment about how whipped I am for you" Louis says before pulling Harry closer and letting out a frustrated huff against Harry's shoulder.

"Well you are" Harry says as he puts his arms around Louis' shoulders to pull himself closer, if that's even possible.

"I know but they're not supposed to know that" Louis says.

"I think everyone knows that and I'm no better baby" Harry says.

"I love you, you know that?" Louis nearly whispers as if it's a secret just between them, well it kind of is.

"I know, and I love you" Harry whispers back before closing the gap between their lips.

They share a soft kiss and stay in their own little bubble for a while longer before eating dinner and cuddling in bed before falling asleep.

It's been a good day and even though they might still not be able to show their love in public, falling asleep in each other's arms while feeling the love around them is all they'll ever need.

Self-isolation in the Styles-Tomlinson household Where stories live. Discover now