Pt.2~ moving and meeting

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      Yn pov:

             I woke up to someone calling me. "Hello?" I spoke. "Yn! You can come over now and start moving, make sure it's before 5" Noah said. "Oh, OH. OK" I said and looked around my room. "What time is it?" I asked him. "It's 10" he said. "Crap, ok. I'll be there soon" I replied and said my goodbyes. "Shit" I said to myself. I showered and changed into my black ripped jeans and a vans t-shirt. With my grey sweater on top. I left to get a u-haul and get all my things inside it. I asked my roommate for help, she hesitated but gave in.

By the time we were done putting everything in the u-haul it was already 2 in the afternoon. "Look, im really sorry about leaving you so abruptly. Your an amazing friend. And this ain't the end" I said with a smile as I looked at her. "I know, it's just. I can't believe I'm gonna be living alone now" she said. "You can come over whenever if you'd want, we can call and text everyday" I said with a smile. "Ok, I'm gonna miss you" she said and hugged me tight. "I'm gonna miss you too" I said and hugged her even tighter. When we were done with out goodbyes I put my more important things in the trunk and backseat of my car, like my guitar's, amp, skateboards, and blankets. When I turned around for the last time she rushed over and did the unbelievable. She kissed me, on the lips. I couldn't resist, I kissed back. "I'll miss you" I said as I pulled away and hugged her. "Me too, bye" she said with a tear running down her face. Although I didn't like her like that, I felt bad since I was basically leaving her behind. I walked over to my car and with that, I drove off..

Threw out the car ride I listened to old rock and emo music since I was feeling it! After around 30 minutes I stopped at Taco Bell and got myself something to eat for breakfast lol. It took me around an hour to get to the exact address, but when I did the house PLUS the neighborhood was so pretty. "Wow" I said to myself and drove into the drive way. I got off and knocked. I heard shushing from the inside and the door flung open "Yn!" Noah said and hugged me. "Hi, how are you?" I asked. As I hugged back. "I'm pretty good, here come in." He said and walked me in. From the kitchen two boys came out. I screeched and almost fell back. The tall blond boy weezed and the other boy laughed along. I chuckled at the fact that I got scared. "Guys! Don't mind them. Those are the other boys that'll be moving with us, Carson and traves" he said as he looked/pointed at them. "Oh, hi! Nice to meet you, even though you scared the loving shit out of me" I said shaking there hands as I giggled. "Nice to meet you too, here, let me show you to your room" the boy know as Carson said. "Ok, thank you" I said smiling.

We walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the third room going from left to right, which reminded me. Noah said there would have been 4 guys. "Hey, who else is gonna move in? Noah said there where gonna be 4 boys." I said. "I-uh, a friend of ours. You wouldn't know him" he began to say stuttering. "Oh, ok" I said and walked into the room.

"Wow! This is so big" I said with a smile and sat on the floor. "Haha, im glad you like it" Carson said and looked me as I wouldn't stop touching the walls and the floor how nice it felt. "Ok, sorry. I'm done" I said with a giggle. "Cool, so. This is the closet" he said as he slid open a door. "Nice" I said. "And, if you come over here, is the bathroom" he said leading me out of the room to the hallway. I opened the door and there was a big shower with a big sink and mirror. "Wow, this is big" I said as I was astonished. "I know right? The only bad thing is that me you and the other boys except Noah would be sharing it" he said. "Oh, thats gonna be a problem" I said laughing a little bit. "Well, I can help you bring up your stuff if you want." He said as we walked down the stairs. "Actually, yes please. I need the help" I laughed.

With that we walked outside to the u-haul and began to pull things out. I first pulled my bed frame with the mattress and Carson and través pulled it out and up into my room. We began to pull things out and pull them into my room for three hours. "Wow, that was a workout." I said laughing. "Yeah, it was" Noah said as he had his hands on his hips. "Well, let me just put this last box of clothing in my room and I'm gonna go and take this to the storage place near here. Is that cool?" I asked. "Perfect" traves said and I pulled the last box to my room...

Carson pov:

As soon as yn closed the front door I quickly called cooper to see where he was. "I'm almost there, I'm near the mall" he said. "Ok, great" i replied. That means he's 10 minutes away. "Alright, see you in a bit" he said and hung up. Quickly after the convo yn came out and we talked for a little more before she got in her car and drove it back to the place.

Yn pov:

After we talked for a little more I got back in my car and began to drive towards the u-haul place I saw a couple of minutes before entering the area. It took me around 15 minutes to get there. When I arrived I got off my car and walked into the post place and signed in my thing. It took me around 5 minutes and I turned in the key and some workers outside took the truck thing off of my Jeep and with that I drove back to the house.

After 10 minutes of driving I was going to pull up to the driveway but saw another car there, so I parked on the side. Which reminded me about the stuff in the back of my car! "Crap!" I said to myself and opened my trunk to get my things off. I first grabbed two of my guitar's along with my amp and walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and waited for them to open. As soon as they opened I wobbled into the house and put down my guitar's gently and my amp as well. "I totally forgot about the things that were in my car. I think I can get it down so I-" I was cut off when I looked up at the guys. I was frozen. I saw blondish spirited out hair and instantly knew who it was. "Cooper??" I quickly asked. I couldn't believe it. The guy turned around and looked at me in disbelief. "Yn?!" He asked as he ran up to me and hugged me. "Holy shit!!" I said laughing as I hugged him tightly, as if I was gonna loose him again. "It's been so long! How are you??!" He began to speak. "I'm gonna cry, haha. Oh my god, I can't believe it!" I said as I tackled him to the floor and hugged him super tight.

After a moment we got up and would not leave each-others side. "Did you guys know she-" he began to speak but looked at Noah. "Noah... did you do this?" He asked him. "Uummm, maybe?" He replied. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU" he said and picked him up as he hugged him. I giggled as I looked at them. After a moment of fooling around the guys left us alone to catch up. "How are you? What's happened in your life??" I asked him. "Nothing exciting has happened in mine, well. I'm big on streaming now and I got better at skating" he said with a chuckle. I remember the last time we saw each-other we confessed how we felt about each-other, but since then we didn't text or call at all. I didn't want to bring it up Incase he didn't feel the same anymore. We talked for a while before I remembered I left my car open. "Shit!!" I yelled and ran outside, he ran out after me.

"Ok, they didn't steal anything" I said. "Cool, you still play guitar?" He asked me as he put an arm around my shoulder. I quickly blushed and looked down. "Yeah, i got WAY better" I said giggling. He looked over at the skateboards and picked up an old one. "You still have the board I gave you?" He asked. "Yeah, I keep it as display, I don't like to ride it for Incase I break it. It was the last thing I had of you.." I said slowly. "Well, now your with me again, and I'm here to stay" he said with a bright smile. I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while. After we finished our little hugging session he helped me get down my guitar and skateboards as I took in my blankets.

When we got the last of my things in he helped me put my mattress on my bed frame and move the boxes and stuff out of the way. "If you want you can come sleep in my room. It's already unpacked and we can catch up in there" he said with a smile as he held his hand out. "Sure" I said with a wide smile and we walked to his room, which was the room to my left. We walked in and his things where already set up except for some boxes of clothing that where on the other side of the room.

For the whole night we talked about how life had been over in Santa Bárbara since I left and how our lives where before and talking about our old memories together until I got tired and fell asleep in his bed...


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