14. Secrets out (pt.2)

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       Yn pov:

               Cooper and I were cuddling for what seemed like hours when we heard the front door open and close and stomping coming up stairs, I didn't realize someone had left the house, but that's none of my business. All of a sudden my door slammed open to reveal schlatt. "oh, hey whats up?" i asked sitting up along with cooper. "what the fuck is this?" he asked and held up his phone to show the clip from carson's stream. My eyes went wide and I immediately started to blush, "I'm sorry! we didn't mean to be so loud, it was an accident. we're gonna go public tomorrow" i said trying to not make him mad. He sighed and pulled his phone down, "its fine. it's just really weird having to hear you while... ya know" he began. "yeah" i replied. "don't pull any stupid things like this again" he said and left to im assuming coopers room.

I felt so embarrassed that he saw that clip, he's like my big brother for god sakes! I laid back down and cooper pulled me close. I hugged him tight and let out a sigh. "what's wrong?" he asked pulling himself up a little so he could see me. "it's nothing, i'm just scared about tomorrow and how the fans would react" i replied. "it'll be ok, I'm sure they'll love us together" he said reassuring me. "yeah, i hope so" i said and laid my head on his chest as i felt his heart beat.

              we stayed like this watching netflix until noah came in my room and said there was food. we walked downstairs and saw traves trying to make a burrito. "need help?" i asked leaning on the counter. "please" he answered and i folded the burrito for him. "thanks" he said and hugged me. "no problem dork" i replied with a giggle and made myself a burrito as well. carne asada, yummy :p

everyone was downstairs goofing around and generally having a good time. it was so nice to see them all having a great time. I threw away my napkin and washed my plate as I walked up the stairs to leave the boys to have some quality time.

          I scrolled threw my phone on twitter looking at all the tags and tweets about the incident, I was so nervous i felt nauseous. i didn't want to vomit, i hate vomit.

            I turned my TV on and watched that 70's show for what seemed like hours until cooper came into my room. "hey baby" he said laying down with me. i giggled and said hey back, he kissed me and i was able to taste taht biter taste of alcohol. "cooper, did you drink?" i asked. "yeah, it was just two beers" he replied holding my waist. "alright, well i hope it's not enough to make a hangover" i said kissing his cheek and facing back at the TV. "don't think so, i'll be fine" he said cuddling into me. i smiled as i turned around and dug my face in his chest, and with that we fell asleep...

( YN pov)

i woke up in the arms of cooper as he was sleeping peacefully, i smiled and admired his features as he slept. after looking at him and around the room i figured if i stay in bed im gonna fall asleep so i got out of bed cautiously so i don't wake him up and walked to the bathroom. i splashed water in my face and brushed my teeth.

            once i was done i walked back to my room and closed the door. i walked to the closet and grabbed a shirt and shorts and began to changed. "damn, i would've missed this if i stayed asleep" i heard from behind me, i guess cooper woke up. "shut up, i'm just changing" i said turning to him and changing my shirt. he gazed as i didn't have my bra on. "because of yesterday your not getting any of this" i said laughing lightly then realizing what was gonna happen today.

           i quickly changed and sat on the bed. "hey, whats wrong? are you still worried about going public?" he asked me sitting up. "yeah, i just really hope the fans like us together" i said as i fidgeted with my fingers. "it'll be ok, trust me, they'll love us" he said holding my hands so i would stop moving them. "what if they don't?" i asked. "then fuck them, as long as we love each other we'll be happy" he said with a smile and i hugged him. "I love you coop" i said as i kissed him. "not as much as i love you" he replied getting up and going to the bathroom. "not true!" i yelled as he closed the door.

          i decided i didn't want to worry about this and listen to cooper so i put my shoes on and grabbed my car keys. i made sure to text cooper i was gonna be back in a bit and i drove down the street. I drove for around 40 minutes until i arrived at a skatepark i go to a lot. I naturally have a board already in my car for if i ever want to go and to not make a hassle.

          I got off the car and took my board out from the trunk. i walked the way to enter the park and onesie toy dove into the bowl. i skated in the park for what felt like half an hour when in reality i was there for AN HOUR AND A HALF. i checked my time when i was nearly done and quickly panicked. "fuck!" i muttered under my breath as i tried to walk towards my car when a group of teenagers walked up to me. "your y/t/n!" (your twitch name) i felt so awkward. "yeah, i am.. you guys want a picture?" i asked. "please" the on in the middle asked and had there dad take the picture. "it was nice meeting you guys" i said trying to not be rude. "you too!" the one on the far right yelped and i laughed lightly as i walked back to the car and drove the way.

          I got in the house and everyone was in the living room. "hello? did someone die?" asked as they all turned around. "yn! where the hell where you??" schlatt asked. "i-i was at the skatepark near encinitas" i said confused. "i texted cooper i was gonna be back later" i said as i went to walk over to the room. "i didn't get any texts he said standing up. "what?!" i asked as i pulled my phone out. it has the red explanation point next to the text i was supposed to send him. fuck. "ugh, i didnt send, see?" i said and showed them my phone. "what where you doing out anyways? your supposed to be home for until you guys announce your a thing" schalatt said. "no the fuck i wasn't, your not my dad" i said and ran up to my room.

        i sat in my bed and thought about how rude i sounded to schlatt, i felt bad. ' i should apologize' i thought to myself until cooper came in the room. "what?" i asked not looking at him. he lifted my chin up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "it's gonna be ok, i know your nervous and didn't mean to answer schlatt like that." he said and hugged me. i hugged back tightly and let out a shaky sigh. "i'm gonna go say sorry" i muffled into his chest as he let me go. "alright, i'll be here" he said and i smiled as i left the room.

          i walked to his door and knocked. "yes?" he asked. "can i come in?" i asked. He opened the door and let me in. "i'm really sorry about being a jerk to you earlier"  i said looking down. "it's alright, i understand why you reacted the way you did" he said and gave me a hug. "i hope your not mad at me" i said looking up at him. "of course not, we both provoked eachother" he said and i smiled. "i guess so" i replied. no go back to your room and let the world know your in lOVe" he said in a goofy voice.

           i laughed and walked over to the room. "are you ready?" cooper asked as soo a s i closed the door. i sighed and let out a yes. we typed out on the tweet box what we where gonna say and counted to one. "alright, on the count of three, ok?" he asked. "ok" i replied literally about to cry. he held my hand and counted. "one... two..." he began i gulped hard and squeezed his hand. "three" he said and i clicked the button without thinking, i soon realized what i had done when we were being BOMBARDED with messages and notifications. "holy shit, i'm scared to look" i said and flipped my phone over as i put it on mute.

       he scrolled his notifications and texts and smiled. "yn, they love us!" he yelped out. "really??" i replied smiling as i picked my phone up. twitter notifications where going crazy but everyone did seem to love the idea of us together, of course with the exception of some haters but still, the most of it was positive. "baby! oh my god!" i yelped as i hugged him. he tácheles me into the bed and kissed me all over my face. "i'm so happy! i don't know why i was so worried" i said with a big smile and gave him a big kiss.

          for the rest of the day we put our phones on silent and cuddled into the bed with eachother as we watched movies, happy with the result of our "accident"


(also sorry about any typos, it's late and i do not feel like going back and correcting myself :,))

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