Pt. 9~ relapse (continued)

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     Yn pov:

           I woke up to someone shaking me. "Yn, wake up" they said. "What?" I replied and opened my eyes. Cooper was out of the car bent over me. "We're here" he said, "oh, ok" I replied and got up from the car. The sun hurt my eyes and I squinted as I walked wobbly to the entrance. Cooper held me by my waist once he caught up to us and we got in line. It wasn't that long of a line but we moved up slowly.

Once we got to the counter where we order everyone began to order. Once it was my turn to choose I said what I wanted and looked over at coop. "Make it a large instead" he said. "What are you doing? I'm not gonna finish all of that" I said confused. "I know your not, that's why I'm gonna help you" he said and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked back at the guys. They where in there conversations, except for trav. "You guys, your not gonna believe what flavorthey have" he said. "What flavor?" I asked. "Tutu fruity!" He exclaimed lowly and I giggled. "Yeah, that's a good flavor, I like the jelly beans that are like that" I replied and me and coop went up to get our froyo, "that'll be 12.57$" she said. "I'll pay for this" I said and began to grab my wallet. He didn't say a word. "Here's your card aaand enjoy!" The worker said cheerful. I looked up and saw he used his card to pay. "Next thing that comes up I'm paying for" I said with a straight face. "Not a chance" he replied and put some of the yogurt stuff on my nose. I giggled and we sat at a big booth as we waited for the other's.

"So, what do you want to do when we get home?" He asked me. "I don't know, I think I wanna just watch movies and cuddle" I said with a smile on my face. "That sounds nice" he said and fed me a spoon of the yogurt. I smiled and gladly took it, I don't know what it was or why but he began to rub my arm lightly and I started to get turned on, I looked over at the booth infront of us and saw some kids looking our direction gushing. "Shit! There are fans, stop" I whisper yelled as I grabbed the spoon from his hand. "Where?" He asked. "They're coming from infront of us" I said and he looked over.

A group of three boys and a pair of girls came up to us. "Hi! Your y/c/n (your Channel name)! I've been a fan since 50k!" One of the boys said excited. "Oh, aww that's so sweet! It's always nice to meet fans" I said happily. "Can we get a picture?" He asked me and the others nodded along. "Of course you can" I said. "Cooper, please you too!" The boy said and he kneeled down to there level, they where my height but they seemed as if they where in the middle school. We took pictures and I signed there phones and they left. "That was close" he said as we walked back to the booth. "You can say that again" I replied and saw that there was no space for us to be next to eachother. I sat down next to noah and he sat across from me next to Carson.

          We ate our froyo and talked about how one of these days we where gonna stream while drunk, obviously besides Carson:/ "guys, that sounds dangerous" I said and laughed a little. "It is, trust me. And that's the fun of it" coop said. "We're not even legal to drink yet" I said. "So? That's the risk of it" he said and took a spoonful of yogurt. "Yeah, coop! Remember the first time I got drunk?!" I asked him excited. He made a thinking face and then had a big smile. "Yeah! Oh my god, we were having a sleepover and found your moms beer in the fridge. I dared you to drink the whole bottle and you fucking did!" He laughed as he retold the story. "Oh my god! What grade where we in? junior year?" I asked laughing. "Yeah, haha" he said and gave his pot laugh.

           We continued to eat our fro-yo and told story's and had a good time. When every one was done we headed back to the car and drove home. When we arrived I ran out of the car and hurried to unlock the house since me and coop had a poking fight earlier and he was supposed to poke me. "AAAAHHHH" i yelled as I entered the house and saw him running after me. "YOU CANT HIIIDE" he yelled and I hid in my cluttered closet. I heard the door open and close. "I know your in here, I won't poke you" he said. I stayed quiet. "I promise" he then said. I stood up and got out of my hiding spot.

         "Hi" I said and hugged him. "Hi" he replied and swung me on the bed.  I landed with an oof and he layed next to me. "So, about those movies and cuddling" he said as he grabbed one of my blankets next to my bed and covered us with it. "DVD or Netflix?" I asked as I reached for the remote. "You have good dvds" he said and I got up to look for what movies to watch. " ok, choose, norbit, pulp fiction, killer klowns from outer space, Greece, or clueless" I said. "Nevermind o take it back" he said and I laughed at him "whatever" I replied and put in pulp fiction.

            The movie started and we watched about half way when I started to feel coop rub my arm again. I leaned into the touch and layed my head on his chest. He continued to rub my arm and slowly inch closer to my breasts. I couldn't take it, I was horny and wanted him. I put my head in the crook of his neck and kissed it. I kissed it tenderly as he squeezed my ass. When he was able to have access to my whole body he flipped me over on top of him and I grinded my hips agains his, a low groan escaped his lips and I felt even WETTER. I continued with these actions as he began to put his hands in my sweater. I took it off and kissed him sweetly as he kneeded my boobs. He as well took his sweater off and one of his hands ran up my thigh and I completely forgot about my cuts.


I allowed him to slowly take my sweats off until they where half way down. He ran his hand and stopped kissing me. He looked down and saw the bandages. "Oh, d-dont mind that. I-I dropped a glass cup, and it cut me" I said as I put my hands on his chest. "No. This isn't from an accident" he said as he put my hands on my sides. "Yn, why?" He asked me as he sat up. "I-I..." I began, but the tears didn't let me speak. He put my hoodie back on along with the sweats and wrapped me in a blanket as he hugged me. "I had a.. really bad anxiety atack this morning... a-and I could resist it.." I said sniffling. "Baby, you should have woken me up" he said and hugged me. "No, i shouldn't have, and I didn't. I'm sorry, but I didn't want to drag you into my mess" I said as i wrapped my arms around him. "I've been in your mess since we first met" he said and I cried even harder.

He really has been... the time I met him was when all the shit went down. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, my sister was basically left taking care of me, and not having a father took a roll as well. When the crash happened we were seniors, I stayed with his family for until the authority's could contact any family of mine that I could stay with, which was in San Diego. Once I was 18 I moved out of there house and moved in with a friend I made in my final moments in high school. All these memories came back and I cried and cried...


      I guess I cried myself to sleep because I woke up laying on top of someone. I felt there chest rise and fall and checked my phone. "5:23" it read. "Oh..." I said to myself and slowly got up to go to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" I heard a groggy cooper. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back" I said. "You better" he replied as he sat up. I walked to the bathroom and did what I had to. I brushed my hair and put eye drops for Incase my eyes swell up. I washed my hands and walked out. I entered my room and saw cooper looking threw my movies. "Whatcha doin?" I asked him. "Looking for your ACTUALLY good movies to watch, I still owe you the movies and cuddling" he said as he picked up four movies. "Are you sure? We don't have to, you can do whatever you wanted if you'd like" I said sitting on my bed. "This is what I'd like to do" he replied and kissed my cheek as he put a DVD in the player. "Ok" I said giggling and we cuddled as we watched the bundle of movies he chose and fell asleep in each other's arms...

(SORRY FOR IT BEING A SAD CHAPTER BUT THE NEXT ONE WILL BE BETTER, I PROMISE 🥺 I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took a while, I'll be sure to post an update sooner:) thank you for reasing!!!❤️)

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