The missing hand

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Hi all. I just want to say I suck at writing guilt and mourn so sorry if this isn't supper realistic. I'm blaming any of the characters weird behavior on shock. Oh and if you have any ideas as to what I should put in this story I would love to hear them, nothing makes a writer more happy that to know their writing is being read. Now on with the story.
Ps. You might want to reread chapter 1 as this takes place directly after it.

Chapter 3.

As the portrait of the fat lady swung open, blinding flashes and loud noises filled the hole the red heads were climbing out of. Harry instinctively pushed forward past the surprised group, his wand ready and without much other thought other than 'I cant let anything happen to the Weasleys' he cast a powerful shield charm along with a disarming charm a second after.
Dozens of people, of which Harry would realize to be, reporters, flew back crashing against walls and debri, several wands also flew in the direction of Harry.

Once the dust,--that was overturned by the many bodies falling -- subsided, Harry blinked, surprised the shield was so powerful. Hastily he picked up the wands at his feet and walked over to the, now cowering, group of reporters. He handed them back their wands and said sorry repeatedly. Then followed by Hermione and the Weasleys hurried down the corridor.

Eventually they made it to just outside the gates but they could have apparitted from the castle, because all the wards were destroyed during the battle. They apparitted to the Burrow. Mrs and Mr. Weasley got there first and were inside by the time the rest arrived.

From inside Harry could hear sobs coming from both Arther and Molly. Making his way inside he saw Molly on her knees sobbing, Mr.Weasly was right next to her trying to comfort his wife while trying to calm his own shacking. Mrs.Weasly was holding something to her chest though Harry couldn't see what it was.

Hermione and the Weasleys were also in the kitchen now most of them crying or holding back tears. Harry, confused, shuffled over to Hermione who had her hand over her mouth and has silent tears streaming down her face. She stood next to Ron and was gripping his hand trying to comfort him. Harry whisper in her ear,
"What's wrong? What happened"
She answered in a shaking voice
"Mrs.Weasly found Fred's hand on the table Harry"
Still confused he asked
"His hand? What han... oh" he gasped glancing at the clock that hung above the table. It was no ordinary clock this one had hands for the whole Weasleys family which now included Harry and Hermione blood-relatives or not. Harry counted 11 hands when there should have been 12. Once again he felt guilt and sadness for all thoses who had died.

Quickly Harry turned right back out the door and down the hill toward the creek. He leaned back against a tree and slowly fell to the ground, fresh tears streaming down his face. A few minutes passed, but to Harry it felt like a million years and a millisecond at the same time.

Ginny found him staring off into the landscape tears still falling down his face. She knelt down beside him gently placing a hand on his shoulder. Harry looked up at her and Ginny hugged already knowing what was wrong.
"Harry I told you it's not your fault, none of this was your fault!" Her voice muffled by Harry's jacket. She pulled back a bit to see Harry's eyes looking down at her. She gave a small smile and wiped away the tears on his face. Harry nodded and pulled her close again. They sat like that for a long time and the sun was near setting when they got up stiff from sitting so long. They walked back to the house there hands almost touching but both were hesitant to take the others hand.
No one was very hungry, so the headed upstairs for bed. As Harry went up the crooked steps he saw George put his hand to the door and suppress a sob. George walked in and shut the door behind him. No one would see him until a few days later. Ginny and Hermione walked into their room, Fleur and Bill in Bill's old room. Charlie and Persy were sharing a room and Mrs and Mr. Weasly closed their door. Harry and Ron walked up to his old room and quickly pulled on pjs.

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