A Busy Date Pt. 1

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Authors note:
So... it's been a while... sorry about that I will try to get pt. 2 up by the end of the week or begging of next week but I dont know if that will happen. Anyway I made this chapter extra long thanks for your patience.
On with Ch. 7

Harry woke up breathing hard and sweaty. 'Another nightmare' he thought, 'they keep getting worse!' He kept seeing a world with Voldemort in complete control, killing all the people he considered family and friends. Often Harry was forced to watch them die but was never able to help them.

Harry glanced at Ron's bed after getting his breathing under control, Ron was still asleep. That was good he didn't want to burden Ron with his nightmares, Ron had enough to deal with as it was.

Quietly so he wouldn't wake Ron up, Harry got dressed and sat looking out the window and watching the sunrise.

The sun was almost up when he saw Percy walking through the old metal gate. Harry wondered what Percy could be doing up at this time and where he had been but shrugged it off as not being able to sleep, something he could very much understand.
Deciding to go down stairs, and get a cup of tea Harry tried to walk down the many floors without making much noise.

Being fairly successful Harry made is way into the kitchen to find Percy sitting at the large table staring at the Weasley Clock. Clearing his throat to make his presence known, Harry gave Persy a small smile as he walked over to the stove and put a pot of water on to boil. He then got a mug for himself out and asked Percy if he wanted some tea as well. Percy nodded "Yes, thank you Harry... and I wanted to apologize to you. What I said it that letter... and how I treated you in school...Well I'm sorry I should have believed you over the Ministry."
After a moment he remembered about the letter Percy had sent to the Weasleys declaring that he would support the ministry and that he thought the family should do likewise instead of following Dumbledore and Harry, who he thought were lying and only seeking attention.
"It's fine Percy" Harry shrugged it off and passed Percy a cup of tea, sat down and began to sip his own cup.

"No ots not I didnt mean it...I did only to protect them...my family...they said I had to... Harry I'm so sorry..." Percy was struggling to put words together but Harry got the feeling that Percy was hiding something, and started to ask about it but the Mrs. Weasly came in and Percy sent him a look pleading him not to respond, then he got up with a 'good morning' to his mum and started setting the table for breakfast. So, Harry let it go...for now.
Harry offered to help but Mrs. Weasley told him to sit down and relax after all he had made breakfast yesterday.

Ginny cane down not long after and sat down next to Harry at the large table. She clasped her hand with his and reached for some eggs and bacon.
"So, Harry, I was thinking you still need to go to St. Mungos to get your potions and check up done, so let's go after breakfast?" Ginny asked.
"Ya sure Gin then we can get some lunch and I wanted to check on a few things" Harry responded.
"Okay you two but I want you home by dinner" Mrs. Weasley informed the couple.
"Where are you going?" Ron asked from the staircase
"I'm taking Harry to St. Mungos then we are getting lunch" Ginny said
"Oh.. 'Arry you schould take 'er to a nice restaurant in the muggle community called 'La Gridale' they have the best pasta!" Fleur said as she and Bill entered the room.
"That sounds great thanks for the recommendationFleur. What are you doing today?"
"We will be going back to work at Gringotts " Bill answered coming up and kissing his wife's cheek.
"Okay what about you two?" Ginny asked Ron and Hermione who had just come in.
"Ohh I don't know I need to plan a trip to Australia to get my parents, but I'm not leaving till after the memorial" Hermione said.
"Ya and I am thinking about joining her" Ron added.
"Ron! You can't go! You only just got back!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.
"Come on mum I am not a child any more" Mrs.Weasley blinked back tears and pulled her graying hair out of her face. "Yes I know my babies are all grownup. What about you Percy, Charlie? What are your plans for the day?" The Weasley matriarch said changing the subject.
"Work mum and I probably won't be home till late, you don't have to wait up." Percy explained.
Ya I don't know probably hang around the house, write a few letters... I dont have to go back to work for a few more days and I want to talk to my boss about working closer to home" Charlie shrugged and grabbed a piece of toast.
"Oh Charlie!" Mrs.Weasley exclaimed rushing to give her second oldest a bone crushing hug "That's wonderful news!"

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