windows to the soul

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Harry arrived at the Borrow to find Ginny sitting under the tree. She looked beautiful sitting there her legs stretched out, her hands resting on her lap, her head leaned back on the tree looking up eyes closed. Her fiery red hair pulled up in a messy bun with a few strands of hair hanging down on her shoulder. He walked closer to her and as he did she opened her eyes and looked at him.
Ginny had been waiting for Harry to get home. She wanted to talk to him, to tell him how mad she was he left how worried she was. She wanted to screem and cry at the same time. She wanted him to understand. But she must have fallen asleep (which was impressive as good sleep was hard to come by these days) because when she opened her eyes the sun was farther down in the sky she guessed it was around 3 or 4. Any way she looked to see Harry walking toward her. She stared into his eyes, his brilliant emerald orbs that have seen so much. She new thoses eyes anywhere. These eyes stared in her deames, the eyes that contrasted so much from the cold, fierce red eyes that haunted her nightmares. As she stared she could see him for him, others saw him by the scar on his head or by his looks, she saw Harry. She looked and she could see love and joy in those eyes, farther in the pools of green she could see the sadness, the guilt, and the pain. At that moment she didn't feel the anger or grief, all she felt was love. Love for the young man with emerald eyes that stood before her.
"Hi Ginny" Harry called softly
"Hi Harry"
Harry sat down next to her it had been a few days since the battle already and he still hadn't talked to her!
"Harry we need to talk"
"Ya I know"
"Good I'll start.... First would you stop being such a strong noble git! I know you are hurting, and despite all the times I've told you, you are blaming your self for everyone who has died! How many times do I and everyone else have to tell you it IS NOT YOUR FAULT! Second I know you were trying to protect me by breaking up and Dumbledore's funeral but have you ever stopped to think that no matter where we were there would be danger. I mean Hogwarts wasn't exactly safe when three death-eaters ran the place. I felt so lonely and so bloody useless!" Ginny ranted some of her previous anger returning"and another thing what were you thinking sacrificing yourself for us why do you have to be so noble! I mean you almost died YOU DID DIE! Do you know what I felt when I saw you limp in Hagrid's arms and then T-tom said you were d-dead.... Harry I love you and have for a long time, I dont want to live without you, I cant live without you" sobbing Ginny again gazed into his face, his scar that used to be a violent red like he had just got it now looked much better. His whole face was too skinny and you could easily see he was skin and bone, a product of a year on the run. She glanced at his lips, they were pressed tightly together like he was stopping himself from saying anything, she desperately wanted to kiss him but they weren't together, 'well that won't be for very long if I can help it' she thought. Her eyes then swept up to her favorite spot, his eyes.
For Harry's part, he didnt know what to say. Everyone kept telling him the war and battle weren't his fault and he desperately wanted to believe them but he couldn't, looking back there were so many things he could have done better, so many missed opportunities. Like at Grimmauld place, it was under the Fidelius so he could have practiced his magic and if Sirius had helped him he wouldn't have felt so useless. And if he had actually worked hard at school he would have been better prepared but no he was to caught up in quidditch and fighting Malfoy. Another thing Ginny had said hurt the hell out of him, while trying to protect her he had put her in a position where she was being hurt and he made her go through that alone. How could he have been so stupid! Of course with Dumbledore gone Hogwarts would change and death-eaters were running the school! Finally he answered,
"Ginny I'm so sorry I don't know what to say... I left you. I was trying to help and protect you. Everyone that means anything to me usually dies and I just-just wanted to keep you safe from that. I love you and would do anything for you. I want to have a future with you but I hurt you and probably blew it, who would want me anyw-"
"Harry James Potter stop right there! I love you! Didn't you here that? I cant live without you. I want to be with you because you are loving, strong, and all around amazing."
No more words were said because Ginny had all but threw herself at him and kissed him. And he kissed her back. 

When they broke apart a minute later, both were wearing huge smiles. Ginny broke out in giggles and Harry pulled her into a hug. Ginny said something into his sholder but Harry didnt catch what was said.
"Say that again Gin?"
Ginny pulled back and looked deep into his eyes and said, "Will you be my boyfriend again?" With a twinkle in her chocolate eyes.
Harry the happiest he had been in a long long time, nodded and choked out "Yes Ginny.... Merlin I love you!"
They embraced again.

When the sun started to set the couple got up and walked back to the house. Harry had told Ginny a bit more about what it was like hunting the horcruxes as well as what had happened in the Forbidden Forest. Ginny in turn had shared with Harry what school had been like. They had talked about the people who had died and the funerals that were to be held later in the week. Ginny had told Harry her thoughts on what people had died fighting for; Remus and Tonks had fought for Teddy, Neville's gran had fought for her son and for the fact that it was right. The muggle borns had fought to protect their families and friends. By the end of their talk Harry was feeling way better, he had a loving girlfriend, the war was over, he was going to be okay mabye not completely today but with time...
"There you two are!" Hermione said meeting them at the door "I've just finished dinner"
Harry and Ginny shared a look "one day things will be better we will find a new normal" whispered Harry and with that he led his red haired girlfriend in for dinner.

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