Meeting the kids 3

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Years had passed, i was now married with jungwoo and had two kids. A boy and a girl. Ziyang and Mina. I worked at jungwoos company now. The kids were in middle school.

I was packing up my stuff as it was almost time to pick up the kids. As I grabbed my purse I felt arms wrapping around me. I smiled and giggled softly "what are you doing hm? I need to go pick up the kids~" jungwoo chuckled and kissed your head and let you go "ah alright baby, your making dinner today right?" I hummed and nodded "yep" he smiled and kissed me softly, I kissed him back. He licked my bottom lip and pulled on it as he pulled away. I blushed and hit his chest softly "alright alright I need to go now" he chuckled "ok, the driver is outside" I smiled and kissed his cheek as I walked out of the office. As I got outside I saw the limo and giggled as I got inside. "To the school pelase" the driver nodded and started driving. Once we got to the school I stepped out and waited. "Mom!" I smiled and opened my arms as ziyang and Mina ran into my arms and hugged me. "How was school hm?" Mina smiled "it was great! I made new friends" I smiled and kissed her head. Ziyang laughed a bit "I made friends to and they invited me to go skateboarding later, c-can I go...?" I giggled softly and nodded, pushing his hair back. "Of course sweetie but just make sure to be careful" he nodded "I will mom" I smiled and kissed his head "let's get going then" As they got into the limo I looked around, making eye contact with someone....he looked familiar but I ignored it and got into the limo.

Once we got home we went inside and I sent the kids to get changed. I walked into the kitchen and got started on dinner. Soon enough the kids came down and watched tv as they waited on dinner. I looked up as the doorbell rang and sighed "Ziyang? Can you go open the door please?" He sighed and got up, walking to the door and opening it. "Appa? Why are you knocking? Don't you have a key?" Jungkook shook his head "I'm not your appa.....I'm your uncle jungkook." Ziyang stared up at him before running to the kitchen "eomma...there's a man that says his name is jungkook and that he's my uncle..." I widened my eyes and turned off the stove. "G-go with mina ok?" Ziyang nodded and went to the living room. I sighed and went to the front door "what do you want jeon...?" I mumbled as I stared at him. He chuckled "you haven't forgotten me huh?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "what are you doing here?" He smirked and pushed past you into the living room, I followed after him. "Get out!" He turned to me and smirked "I'm taking one of your kids." I widened my eyes "w-what no! Your not taking any of them!" He growled and grabbed my wrist, tightening his grip. Ziyang watched and took mina to her room, going to his and grabbing something. I whined as he pushed me against the wall, and grabbed me by the neck. "S-stop" I breathed out, grabbing his arm. Ziyang had came back and took off the safety from the gun and pointed it at jungkook "l-let eomma go!" Jungkook turned to him and chuckled "what are you gonna do if I don't huh? Shoot me with your toy gun?" He scoffed. Ziyang glared at him before shooting him in the leg. Jungkook immediately fell onto the ground as I caught my breathe. The door busted open as jungwoo came in "im - jungkook?" He groaned and went to him as Ziyang went to me. I slowly got up and hugged Ziyang as jungwoo grabbed jungkook by the shirt and pulled him up. "What are you doing here huh!?" Jungkook chuckled "none of your business" jungwoo growled and threw him out coming to me. "Are you ok...?" I nodded a bit and smiled "mhm..I'm fine thanks to Ziyang" jungwoo chuckled "it's a good things I've been teaching him then" I rolled my eyes playfully at him. He chuckled and hugged me, Mina came downstairs after a while. I sighed softly and picked her up and held her close. I set her down after and went back to the kitchen to finish dinner. Soon enough dinner was finished, I set the table and went to the living room. "Dinners ready everyone!" Jungwoo looked up as he played with Ziyang and nodded as they went to the dinning room, Mina following from behind. I went to the dining room and served everyone, then myself and sat down. Ziyang ate quickly and rushed upstairs. We finished soon and all gathered into the living room and watched tv. Soon enough Ziyang returned and smiled, kissing my cheek, jungwoos and hugging Mina "I'm leaving to meet up with my friends I'll call if anything happens!" I giggled a bit "have fun sweetie, bye" Ziyang smiled and left.


It was soon midnight and Ziyang hasn't returned yet. I sighed as I sat on the living room couch. "Where is he...?" I mumbled to myself. Jungwoo came downstairs and yawned "are you coming to bed..?" I shook my head "not until Ziyang gets home...." he sighed and nodded then left back upstairs to the bedroom. I sighed and put my hair up into a ponytail, grabbed my gun off the table and putting on my boots. As I grabbed the car keys I left and got into the car, starting it. I focused on the road as I looked down at my phone, following the tracker I had put on Ziyang. As I parked I got out and saw an abandoned warehouse. I walked inside carefully and held my gun up. I continued walking further until I saw light and....Ziyang. I rushed over to him and started untying him, taking the tape off his mouth. "L-leave....he's coming" he whispered. I shook my head and hugged him once he was free. "Go to the car ok...? Take the gun and my phone..." I mumbled and gave him the gun and phone. He just nodded and started running away. I got up and cracked my knuckles and continued walking around, finding a door. I kicked it open and looked around carefully as it was dark. The lights suddenly turned on, someone grabbed me from behind and I felt a gun pushed against my head.


Ziyangs pov

I had ran outside to the car and got in, unlocking her phone and calling dad. I breathed heavily and waited. "Hey baby what's up?" I swallowed heavily "dad? It's Ziyang....moms in need to come help her please..." there was shuffling on the other end of the line "I'll be there as soon as I can, stay where you are and send me the location"  Then it cut off, sighing I send the location to my appa and waited.

To be continued...

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