15. Breaking the News

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Hey all,

I am sooo sorry it has been so long. My classes have been kicking my butt and I've had very little time to type. I hope this makes up to it. Enjoy!


Annabeth's P.O.V.

Percy and I had left the Graces at their apartment, after making sure it was safe of course. We drove to Percy's old apartment with his mom and his stepdad. The car came to a stop in a parking lot in front of Sally and Paul's apartment. Percy turned off the car, but neither of us moved to get out. We stayed silent, what were we going to tell Sally?

"She's going to ask immediately." Percy spoke quietly.

"Just try to get them inside, sitting down. Then we will tell them." I murmured.

"Well, let's go I guess." Percy opened his door. I pulled my crutches out and got out of the car. Percy helped me stand and closed my door. We made our way to the elevator, but it was out of service.

"My gods..." I cursed in Greek and reluctantly headed towards the stairs. I started the first step, but immediately fell backwards.

"You dropped this." Percy joked, stopping my descent backwards. I gave a small laugh as he carried me up the stairs. We made it up but he didn't let me down until we were in front of the apartment door.

"We have to go now. We can't wait any longer." Percy muttered. I didn't want to, but I knocked. Sally opened the door, almost like she had been waiting there. She had a great smile on her face, as did Paul who stood behind her.

"I thought you were never going to get here!" Sally said giving me a hug. "Where's Hesti?" I fought to keep my smile plastered on my face. But I was sure it faltered, the mentioning of her name felt like a knife.

"We'll explain," Percy told his mom, "Come on, it's hot as Hades out here." Percy moved inside and I followed. Obviously it hadn't been noticed that I had my crutches.

"Annabeth!" Sally gasped as I passed her. "What happened?" She immediately began fussing over me, sitting me down and raising my leg. It made me smile to know how much she cared.

"It's alright. I got...stepped on." I told her. She looked for affirmation from Percy who nodded his head.

"Gods! I'm glad you're alright. Where were you tonight? That you were all dressed up?"

"That kind of what we wanted to tell you guys." Percy said rubbing his neck in distress. Sally was sitting on their blue couch with Paul seated beside her. I was sitting in a matching armchair adjacent to the couch.

"Percy..." Paul started. "What's going on?" Percy looked at me. I don't know! I thought, How do you tell someone their daughter is dead?

"Annabeth?" Sally looked at me, she began to seem slightly distressed, but then her face lit up with excitement. "Oh! I know!"

Percy and I looked at one another. Obviously not.

"You're pregnant!" Percy stared at her in disbelief. "You were celebrating so you dressed up and that's why you don't have Hestiani with you. Plus you looked at us like you were afraid. You know we would love you anyway! You don't have to be worried just because-"

"Er...Sally?" I cut her off. She was way too far off. She knew, she was wise enough to know how danger-prone demigods were, especially Poseidon's. But you could see the denial in her eyes.

"No?" Sally knitted her brows together, her face became darker. I just shook my head. Sally slowly started coming to the truth.

"Mom," Percy got down on his knees and took her hands into his. "Something happened at camp." I could hear the cracks in his voice and stood up to support him. As I drew closer to him, I could see the tears filling his sea green eyes. I sat on the arm of the couch.

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