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The letter had been hidden away from the older, Donghyuck had been crying for days. You couldnt blame the beauty, he had been deeply broken. But one Morning before leaving for work Mark was leaning on his drawing broad with his dress shirt unbuttoned and his hair dishaveled when the brunette tip toed beside him all dressed in a pink shirt and tight pants.

"W-Where you t-the one w-who had left the s-sunflowers behind the door that day?" Donghyuck whispered making Mark turn around with his small eyes big.

"Y-Yes." Mark whispered back not finding the courage in him to lie.

"You left.............the reason being you being in love with me?" Mark pencil fell off his finger tips, He stared at the brunette how'd did he know? Trembling arms felt the tattoo on Marks chest, right above his beating heart.

"H-How'd you know?" The older mumbled, the younger smiled softly as he stood on his tippy toes his moist lips butterfly kissed the tattoo.

"Y-You dont w-want me since I'm carrying someone elses baby right?" The brunette's smile was so broken Mark bit his lips, cursing himself for not giving an answer to his best friends confession.

"Hyuck........Shouldnt you already know?" Mark whispered feelinh the boys slender arm down to his wrist.

Donghyuck was five months through, his baby bump was big enough and showing. He had gotten plumper, his eyes shined, his skin sparkled, his lips were red and his giggle a whole harp playing in Marks ears. Though the beauty never understood that the older loved him back the male tried his hardest to let him know. Mark had paid off all Jeno's loans and debts, freeing the innocent Pudu off everything.

"Hyung? Is.......Is Hyuckie pregnant with your baby?" Chenle nervously asked the CEO one day concerned for his big baby friend.

"Why dont you ask him hmm?" Mark smiled ruffling the boys hair and walked away.

There was a big party that was to be hosted the day Mr and Mrs Lee decided to come check on Mark. Jaemin had been busy and his legs was healing but he pushed Renjun away. He just enjoyed the attention his haughty Chinese gave him.

"So? He confessed and you havent said a god damn thing!? Jaemin started slapping Mark on the bicep disappointed at his best friend.

"Jessica! Darling he's pregnant! And Jeno obviously must be enlisting my name in hell by now." Mark batted his eyes at the younger who gave him a big slap on the face.

"Fuck you!? You are all he fucking has! And you......urghh lemme kill you! Why dont you go fight for Donghyuck in heaven!? Mark no ones going to know its not your baby. Dont tell me you have issues since his pregnant?" Jaemin closed his mouth gasping dramatically.

"No! I love him and the.......the baby." Mark shyly smiled at Jaemin who was searching for something to smash on his dumb friends dumb head.

"Then man up! Kiss him! Fuck him maybe and tell him you love him! Get married! Make more babies! And come see me become sister Jessica at the abyess." Jaemin sighed waddling behind Marks seat and wrapped his arms around the olders shoulder.

"Then what about me!? Wait they only have females in an Abyess you imbecile!" Renjun stood at the door crossing his arms at the two boys.

"Woah you arent stupid. What is it for you anyways? Go fuck Chenle for all I care!" Jaemin his his face in Marks neck.

"A ca xuse me? I'm happily dating this tall handsome deep voiced guy called Jisung." Chenle walked in rolling his eyes at the Chinese.

"What!? Jung Jisung?" Mark and Jaemin gasped at the adorable smaller Chinese. Chenle nodded confusedly.

"He's my neice in law!" Mark dramatically chuckled and Jaemin wiped his non existant tears.

"You know him? How? He just came from Canada." Chenle whispered.

"He's my cousins son. He's 18 and you are 20. The obvious bottom right?" Mark playfully chuckled making Chenle blush and glare at him.

"M-Mark?" Donghyucks soft voice made everyone turn to the crying Pudu.

"Yes Baba?" The CEO smiled opening his arms for the pregnant Pudu to waddle into.

"Chenle lets go discuss family matters darling. Ignore this Chinese devil called The Satan Injun." Jaemin dragged Chenle away as Renjun gave his best a soft smile and followed the idiots out of the office.

Mark made the gorgeous beauty sit on his lap, the younger blushed biting his lips for it was the first time he ever sat on the olders lap. Their eyes longing for each other as they smiled softly bringing their craving lips together.

"My parents will be at the party.......And I want you to wear this." Mark pulled out a velvet box out as he gave it to Donghyuck who sniffled opening it. He gasped seeing a thick but dainty elegant looking gold necklace with a Puzzle Piece as the pendant. Behind it said....

My Missing
Puzzle Piece


"Mark?" Donghyuck whispered his lips trembling, his orbs quivering. Mark tucked a tuft of hair behind the boys ear as he made him wear it, leaving soft butterfly kisses on the velvety neck as he looked up at those watery orbs.

"I love you Hae Pudu. I guess I always have.......And I want you, T-This baby will be b-born under my care. L-Lets raise it together. Hmm?" Mark whispered caressing the five month old baby bump fondly. He didnt know if Donghyuck was ready to make him the father but he would raise the child as his own.

"I bet the baby would love Uncle Markie." The handsome older chuckled up at the emotional innocent broken boy. This time it was Mark who pulled Haechan in for a long passionate kiss even though it still hurt somewhere deep down. He was happy though, content with what he was given.

"I-I love y-you M-Mark." Whispered the brunette with the most beautiful giggle ever giggled.

I Wish You Were Mine [MarkHyuck]♥Where stories live. Discover now