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Third Person's POV

Isabel been brought into a hospital that nearby the town where she was examined and treated...

Isabel been brought into a hospital that nearby the town where she was examined and treated

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The good news is Isabel is doing well and not in serious condition.

But,the bad news is...

Isabel had a miscarriage.When she was been collided to the ground,it had damaged the baby inside her stomach.It also a reason why she bleeding.

It totally broke (F/N) when learning that their daughter being taken away just like that.


(F/N) slowly entered the room where Isabel was been treated.

She currently asleep when he entered the room.In instant,(F/N) took a chair and sit beside his wife as he held her hand,and after some seconds,he feel that Isabel tightened her hold.Her eyes opened as she turned her head towards (F/N).

Immediately,tears had already formed in Isabel's eyes.As (F/N) stood up to comfort her,she cried into his chest.As for (F/N),he tried his best to calm her down,holding his own tears because he need to be strong for his wife.

After Isabel managed to calm down,there are only silence at the room with (F/N) still holding Isabel's hand...

''I'm sorry,Isabel.''(F/N) said,breaking the silence as Isabel looked at him.''I should not confronting them.If I keep calm and talk nicely,maybe none of this would not happen at all.''

''And now...our daughter...she's gone.''(F/N) said again but this time,his tears that started to fall.Just then,Isabel reached out towards him,wiping his tears away.

''Don't blame's not your fault at all.You're just trying to protect the town from those people,right?You're doing the right thing.''Isabel said as (F/N) just nodded a little.

The door of the room suddenly been opened,revealing the headmasters of Union Academy which are Ozpin,Sirzechs Lucifer and Nezu,along with some soldiers behind their back.(F/N) started to feel his anger almost explode once he seeing them.

The pervert and his stupid harem along with Team RWBY that had Yang that her nose been bandaged also come...

His eyes right now,only held hate and anger within them...

''What the hell are you guys doing at here?Please leave this room now.''(F/N) stood up from his seat,trying his best to speak politely.''We just wanted to check on your wife and you...''Asia said,her voice being soft and wary.

''You guys don't even you?What you took from us.''(F/N) said,his voice lower but still held the anger within it.

''What are you talking about,Mr.Lehnsherr?''Ozpin asked.

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