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Draco Malfoy looked at the letter his father had sent him in the slytherin common room face full of despair. He and Narcissa would be going on a business trip and had found no one to watch over Draco during the holidays. He would be spending his first christmas at Hogwarts.

At first, he was excited. Who wouldn't be? You're spending the holidays in the best wizarding school of all time with your friends.

But then he was nervous. He had never really spent the holidays with friends. Pansy was the only one with an exception. Almost every family member Draco and heard of or interacted with would be at the Malfoy's for the holidays. Most of the time they would discuss death eater plans and what not while Draco and the rest of the kids read books and played tag. He didn't know what a normal family talked about. Because he knew they weren't normal. He knew it wasn't an everyday thing to talk about ways to kill that lucky bastard that got away with the killing curse and who just so happens to be your friend.

Molly Weasly had offered to take Draco over the holidays as soon as she heard he didn't have anywhere to go. She was aware he had befriended most houses and got along with Harry and Ron just great, plus he took part in most if the Weasley twin's pranks. She was willing to treat him as her own and put the whole "Malfoy shit" Aside.

Draco was considering Mrs. Weasley's offer. He was most likely going to accept. He would miss Slytherin dorms, but he would get used to it.

"Hey Draco!" The blonde instantly recognized the voice to be Harry's, relaxed at his his friend's presence.

"Hi" He responded, closing the book he was trying to read.

They sat there and chatted about their day. Draco mentioning about going over to the Weasley's and Harry supporting the idea since he had personally met them (well, sort of). Harry also mentioned that he had gotten the same offer, and would only go if Draco went.

After some thinking, Draco finally agreed to stay at the Weasley's. What was the worst thing that could happen?

After hearing the news, Harry was delighted, like Ron and Hermione.

The gang packed their luggage when time came, and the boys were ready to spend the holidays at the burrow, whilst Hermione was ready to go camping with her family.

--time skip to the burrow--

After the Weasley's and the boys arrived to the burrow, they were both scared. None of them knew how a normal family acted. Draco's family was broken, with his dad having to follow Voldemort's orders, with his family being in constant threat, and his mother working hard to find excuses as to why Draco couldn't fulfill death eater plans, which Lestrange was very happy to prove wrong and come up with reasons Draco would be a lovely fit for the job.

Then there was Harry's 'family'. He was abused by his uncle both verbally and physically. Petunia and Dudley had to pretend to hate him around Vernon, but when left alone, they would both do anything possible to help Harry heal his wounds or hear him out whenever he had to vent. But Vernon completely broke him otherwise.

The Weasley's had also noticed some.. Rather unusual things from both boys.

Firstly, Draco would dress in proper clothes, even inside the house were Molly offered him a Weasley sweater, but he had denied it because "what if the Dark Lord comes?"

Then when Molly was making breakfast and burnt Ginny's toast, just after she threw it away, Harry said, "you could've given it to me, that's what my uncle does when I mess up a dish" And Molly gives Harry the most terrified look.

The Weasley's soon came to the sad conclusion that both boys had broken homes, and they all agreed to help Harry and Draco feel comfortable.

Except for Ginevra Molly Weasley.

She had developed a crush on Harry, and felt that Draco was in the way of her becoming his future bride. She would love to help Harry feel at home, but not Draco. Not while he was stealing Harry from her.

She had devised a perfect plan. She would humiliate Draco in front of Harry.
She still didn't know how, but was willing to get an idea from the twins.

When it was almost dinner, Ginny asked the twins to help her with something in her bedroom. When they arrived, Ginny gave them her most innocent expression and asked them what prank they would do on someone who was in their way of achieving something big.

"Humiliate them" Fred started

"-We'd recommend something like an embarrassing love note, or something like that, then sign it as the person you want to humiliate and give it to someone" George added

Ginny had it.

"Thanks George, Fred, you guys are life savers!"

They both gave her a friendly nod, and left her room confused.

Draco had no idea what was coming.

Hey guys!! Sorry for being so inactive, I've been lacking motivation and since it's summer I decided to have some me time. Oh, and please be careful with pridefall. With lots of love, Keighley

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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