Chapter 5

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Today I'm supposed to be hanging with my husband all day he even wants me to go to the studio with him today.

So I went in my bathroom and did my usual hygiene and if your wondering why we living separately well when we decide to do a better wedding or my dream wedding then we will move in.

After doing my hygiene I slipped on my matching bra and thong then I went in my closet to find an outfit to wear.

After doing my hygiene I slipped on my matching bra and thong then I went in my closet to find an outfit to wear

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Her outfit

After getting dressed I grabbed my purse putting my essentials in it and then I grabbed my phone and keys .

Dave was on his way for me so I sat in the tv room and watched bad girls club season 9 Mehgan oh I couldn't stand her fake ass in that season I don't know bout yall but i actually like Blondie she was dumb and clueless but she was sensible.

Hubby❤🥰🍆: Babe I'm outside

I walked out the tv room and walked straight out the door and Dave got out the car and opened the door for me.

I got in and he closed the door and then he hopped in the other side and he drove off .

" Babe when I went by the salon a lot females were looking at me they thirsty but your the only woman I got eyes for " he said.

" Let a bitch the touch you me and her gone fight cause i dont share what's mines and Vashanti them wedding is in a week we got to start packing to go to Aruba " i said.

" I gotcha babe but we all are flying on Chris's private jet he will be flying his and Vashanti family out there as well" said Dave

" Ok but I need to start packing plus Vashanti wants me to do everyone's hair and makeup " I said.

" Alright babe so I'm taking you to waffle house for breakfast " he said as he drove to the nearest waffle house.

He parked his car and got out then he opened my door what a gentleman he is see he definitely my type cause the minute I saw him I was staring hard.

He helped me out the car and closed the door then he opened the door for me and walked behind me .

" Hello welcome to waffle house table for two " said the hostess.

" Yes please " I said as she got two menus and told us to followed her and she seated us at a booth and gave us the menus and walked away.

" Babe so I was thinking about doing a wedding shower for Vashanti them what you think " I said

" I think it's great babe we should do it a week before the wedding and like get people to get some items for their household " said Dave.

" Yes babe I am doing all that I already planned it and everything so I was just asking you what you think " I said.

" Ok babe i see you anyhow i am glad you mines and mines only" said Dave.

" Oh really Mr. Brewster I'm yours ok I heard you" I said.

" Yes Mrs.Brewster you heard right " said Dave I love it when he says Mrs.Brewster yall I'm falling in love.

" Dave who is this bitch you with " said some ugly ass hoe.

" First of all hun I'm not a hoe sweetie secondly I'm his wife and he my husband so you need to back the fuck up ok " I said.

These bitches be trying me but I dont be into their bullshit like sweetie take your drama somewhere else just because Dave and I are working our marriage out to see if we do a real wedding doesn't means he wants you.

" Bitch you his what please Dave ain't married bitch please"said the hoe.

" Keke she is my wife and you was a quickie girl get out my face" said Dave.

" Bye hoe get so we can have a lovely breakfast date so can you go now bye bye " I said.

So we were able to order our food and drinks and we talked a bit while we waited for our food.

" Here is your food and drinks you too enjoy " said the waitress.

" Thank you" I said as she walked away from our booth and to another table.

We ate our food and talked some more then he took me to the studio I met his producer and the crew.

Everyone seemed cool to me and they liked me too except the receptionist like she was jealous when Dave came with me in the studio.


Quick and much needed update

The next chapter will be up soon

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Unexpected Marriage :Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now