Ch.2: Ah, Puppets. The Darlings Of Every Horror Story

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Two hours into trying to get that fake wall to blend in with the rest of the lab left Akiba wondering what kind of smile could get them out of this

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Two hours into trying to get that fake wall to blend in with the rest of the lab left Akiba wondering what kind of smile could get them out of this.

She and Mama tried everything. From erecting another wall covering up the first one and realising their stupidity halfway to collapsing in tears. Mama had started wondering out loud the merits of breaking the stupid thing when the kijioo rang. Akiba's heart melting into a puddle somewhere around her midriff, she rushed to get it.

'What are the two of you doing?' Baba hissed from the other side, 'I've taken the idiot to the most expensive barber I know, bought him a new outfit and watched episode 105 of Mtaka cha Mvunguni Sharti Ainame three times...'

'Oooooh,' said Akiba, 'it's already that far? Does Kadogo get the job? Ooh, what about Juma? Is he coming to find her? Did he get the dowry? Will he propose?'

'I know not of this Juma you speak of,' said Baba in a lofty voice, 'but I know who's coming to find the two of you. And he's sure as heck not proposing. So get your head out of that soap opera you watch with fifty-year-old men and tell me you've made some progress. I can't hold him off any longer. '

'Are you coming back with him?' said Akiba, perking up. She could deal with anything if Baba came back. Everything seemed like a soft, warm blanket in a cosy house with him around.

'Now, now, Akiba, you know I-'

Mama snatched the kijioo from her hand, 'it's going terrible,' she sighed, slumping on the floor.

'Something's jammed at the back,' Akiba added, making Mama, for some reason, throw her one of her most menacing glares.

Pattering footsteps sounded, then a door opened and Baba's voice filtered through again, 'Sawa,' he said, sounding out of breath, 'here's what you're going to do.'

Somewhere in the background, they heard a flush and a voice asking Baba to pass a jug of water.

'That corner I was standing in,' said Baba, his voice as nonchalant as could be, 'kick the grass around it a little with your foot.'

'Where are you?'

'Focus, will you?'

'Alright, alright,' Akiba sighed and did as he had ordered. A cloud of glittery purple dust floated up, swirled to the wall, and left a bloom of flowers so thick you couldn't see the bulging sides no matter how much you squinted. She let out a sigh, her taut muscles relaxing.

Until the flowers burst into a wedding rendition of their country's, Mwishoni's, national anthem complete with drums and a dance routine.

Mama jumped and turned around. 'Malifedha,' she growled.

'Ha haaa,' Baba cackled through the trickling of...Akiba didn't even want to think what, 'it worked? It worked? Mungu wangu it worked...'


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