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"Where is he?," the first question Hoseok asked when he arrived at the front door, "Oh, Hi to you too, Hoseok," Yeri said in a sarcastic tone while closing the door.

"Where's JK?," he repeated his question. "He's inside his room taking some rest and he's okay now. It wasn't a serious injuries, geez Hoseok, you look a mess. You should really hear me out first before you start panicking,"

Jungkook gasped and turn around to hide his face from his brother, "Hyung?! What are you doing here?!," he asked while his back facing him. "Look at me kiddo, I want to see your face," he said firmly.

"I'm alright, hyung. Just go home. Don't worry about me!," he assured, hoping his brother would do as he pleased. "I'll go home but I need to see how bad is your bruises," he retorted. He let out a sigh, because he knows his brother won't give up until he get what he wants. Slowly, he turn his back to face them.

"Oh God.. they broke your nose?," he went closer to touch his nose, "Hyung, don't touch it," he closed his eyes as he can feel the pain. "Does it hurt?," he nodded a little and hummed.

"It's hurts me, more," he murmured but his little brother hear him, clear enough. "Then, go now.. I feel ashamed because you see me like this," he bowed his head low, avoiding his gaze. "What?," he smirked, "You're my brother, Jungkook. You don't have to feel ashamed with me, I'll always got your back,"

"I know hyung, but really. You should go now," he pushed him to the door way, "Alright, alright. I'll go," he said in defeat, "But it doesn't mean I won't visiting you again here," he added.

"Let me walk you out!," Yeri volunteer, "I know the way out Yeri," Hoseok joked and waved his hand at his little brother. "Take care, Hoseok," said Yeri when both of them were at the doorway again.

The man still can't forget about the bruises on his brother's face, "So, where's Mr. Park?," asked Hoseok to Yeri, she closed the door a little so, Jungkook wouldn't hear their conversation. "I don't know but I'm sure he do that because Nathan has back off from his plan,"

"Yeri..do me one favor, can you?," he meet her eyes, then she asked, "What is it?," she crossed her arms because she can feel it's a serious matter. "I'll take a flight to Australia tomorrow, I want to start our plan and while I'm gone make sure to look after him for me and keep me update,". She clapped her hand together feeling excited, "Oh sure, I will! You can count on me!,"


"Honey, I think you should not being too harsh on Rosie.. she still unwell," said Mrs. Park at the dining table trying to convince her husband and calm him down. "Unwell? Don't you know she's been hanging around with that son of maid?," he retorted.

"I don't see any wrong if she hang around with that boy. He's a great guy," she defending him which make her husband scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you still have a soft spot for that rat?,"

She remain silence and stared blankly at the dish. "This is the second time that rat made us lost money. We need to take Chaeyoung with us to Australia as soon as possible and if that rat trying to ruined our plan again, I'll hired someone to kill him," he stated without even feeling guilty.

"How bad do you really want the money, dad?," asked the voice who just came into the dinning table. "Rosie..," her mom called for her but her eyes was full of hatred towards her father, "Tell me dad, how bad you need it?,"

"Badly.. and I'll make sure that rat won't ruin it this time," he remarked while smirking. "I'll kill him if I should," he added. She closed her eyes, as it was the toughest decision she made but it's her loved ones on the line.

"I'll go with your plan and I'll make sure Jungkook won't ruin your plan this time..," she said, before chin up to see their reaction. Of course, her dad will love it. "Great! This is not just for me Rosie.. this is for our family. If you do this you'll save our family,".

She bite her lower lips, before she continue speaking, ".. But under one condition,". He narrowed his eyes on her, "What is it?,".

"I want to meet him for the last time and end our relationship," He giggled, "What a stupid request but if that's what you want then your wish is my command,"


Yeri was excited to welcome her home after she called, "I'm glad you're back Chaeyoung!," she cooed but her best friend keep her face straight and when to her bedroom. "Chae.. what are you doing?,"

Chaeyoung cleared her throat and take her suitcase, "I'm leaving..Yeri. My family needs me," she said and started packing. "What? No... you can't go,". She sighed as it was hard for her to do so, if her friend holding her back.

"This is my choice," she said firmly and added,  "You can't stop me," . Yeri was speechless and stuck on her feet especially when she was leaving the apartment, "Rosie! Are you sure this is your choice?," she asked almost shouting.

"What's with all the noise?," Jungkook came out to the scene and gaze down to Chaeyoung's luggage. "Where are you going, Chae?,". This is the harderst part, to bid her goodbyes and broke her own promise.

"I have to go home," she answered, doesn't even explained the whole details. "Okay, but when will you be back?," he asked again. "I won't be back so don't wait for me,"

His mouth was agape, "But.. how about your upcoming appointment?," he feel weird especially the tone that Chaeyoung using was a cold tone. "I don't think I want to continue it.. just let it be,"

"What do you mean?," his eyes was teary because he couldn't believe it. "You came back to my life because we don't have a proper ending, right?,". He just keep his mouth shut, because he knows she knew the answer.

".. Then, let's end it here, I'm sorry Jungkook,".

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