JESSE EISENBERG : never remembered bath time being this fun.

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Warnings + Explanations :
- Mild smut, Swearing.
Y/n = Your (reader's) Name


i thought this day couldn't get any worse, unfortunately i was so wrong. it's always the cliche shit that happens though. i yanked out my keys from the back pocket of my jeans, only to meet Jesse, my roommate of four years, standing in front of me with a small frown. giving him a small smile, i stormed inside. i knew he was worried but that didn't concern me much at the moment. all i wanted was a hot bath, to be left alone.


i didn't answer. i walked into my bedroom, not even bothering to close my door as i undressed to get ready to take time to myself. Jesse was fine with seeing me in my panties, it wasn't anything new to him, but it wasn't like he's ever seen me fully naked. Jesse didn't bother to move from our hallway, he just watched me wander from the bathroom back to my bedroom. he didn't even bother to say a single word and i was thankful for that.

"if you need anything, call out my name and i'll be there as fast as i can." I told him as i leaned onto the bathroom door. Jesse nodded, letting out a small 'alright' to show me he had heard what i said. as soon as the bath had filled, i slipped in carefully, furrowing my brows, closing my eyes and sighing in relief. i needed this. i fucking needed this. god, today had been hell. i hated my boss, she was such an idiot. oh! and not to mention the fact that i forgot to hand in my news report that was due.

everything was so quiet and peaceful, all i could hear was the water splashing as i occasionally adjusted myself. i had no idea what Jesse was doing but i was sure he was doing something to keep his mind off things. it was like 38 minutes into my 'me time' that i heard Jesse knock on the door. i hummed loudly as a signal for him to come in.

"uh, i found your paper that was due.."
"oh, cool. thanks" i barely smiled at him, my eyes were closed and focused on the feeling of the hot water on my skin. i opened my eye's, thinking that Jesse must have left. but he didn't. he was looking at the floor, nervously gnawing at his bottom lip that was already so pinky and plump from all his biting.

"what's going on in that massive brain of yours," obviously i didn't realise how wrong that sounded at the time but i didn't mean it to be anywhere near sexual. Jesse looked at me, now leaning against the edge of the tub.
"it's nothing much, i doubt you should be worried about it, Y/n."
i sighed, gesturing for him to come closer to me.
"c'monn, you know i'm all ears for you." he smiled at my comment, shaking his head slowly. "fine. how about you come sit in the bath with me then?" again, i forgot to think before i spoke. it was when i finally realised what i said when Jesse started going at his lip again. after finishing stumbling over my words, i went to say something— except Jesse was already tugging off his blue polo, before his pants, then finally socks. i knew, i fucking knew how red my face was, but that didn't stop me from grabbing his hand and gently pulling him in.
"not bad, is it?"
"uh.. yeah not- not too bad."
Jesse now stumbling over his words too made me smile. he was so cute, and small. the way his curls formed made him look ageless. his dimples that showed when he talked.. god, god he was so adorable. the urge to kiss him was strong.

my eyes widened at my thoughts, causing me to sink into the tub a little deeper, my legs held across my chest. it was silent and usually that didn't matter to us, but now. now it was different. i was naked in a bathtub with my roommate. how weird could this day even possibly get.

"i think i really want to kiss you."
i blinded rapidly as he stated that he wanted to kiss me. what the fuck was going on today. we sat in silence for another 10 seconds before i decided 'fuck it' and leaned towards him, gently placing my lips against his before quickly pulling away. 'fuck. fuck fuck fuck' is all i could think as i scanned Jesse's face for a reaction. i was met with another kiss, this time longer and more passionate. i did think about how good of a kisser he would be, but i didn't think he would be this decent. Jesse pulled away as i stayed leaned in, looking down onto the water, not wanting to believe what just happened. 'i kissed him, he kissed me.. oh lord' is all that repeated in my mind.

finally gaining to courage to look him in the eyes, i pulled him closer by a gentle tug of his shoulder before wrapping my arms around his neck. "can.. can we do this?" i asked, my voice breathy and quiet. Jesse nodded, placing his lips onto mine for the third time in the past five minutes. one of my hands traveled it's way to his hair, the other gripping onto his shoulder a little roughly. Jesse's hands were on my waist, trying to pull me as close to his body as he could. Jesse turned me around so my body was sitting in between his legs, his hands still on my waist.

soon his hand found it's way down my inner thigh, squeezing at it at the slightest, causing a minor reaction from me. i pushed my back against his body, letting out a small grunt. soon enough, his fingers found their way to my soft nub, slowly moving the tips of his fingers in a circular motion. i heard him chuckle softly as my breath hitched in my throat.
"c'mon, don't..-" i began to say before getting interrupted by Jesse slipping his fingers inside, making me squirm. he didn't move until i got impatient, rocking myself down against his fingers. i huffed in between heavy breaths, "enough with the teasing, please?" Jesse nodded, placing his head onto the crook of my shoulder before curling his fingers up, which earned a loud gasp in return. the next 5 minutes were him pushing his fingers down a little deeper, his fingers still curled, to find my sweet spot. which he did eventually find when i let out a high pitched noise. "there we go," Jesse said dauntingly soft as he continued to rock his fingers back and fourth. i knew Jesse enjoyed my reactions to his fingers, plus my whines were apparently like "music to his ears."

i didn't want him to stop but i could feel myself edging closer and closer to release. my moans were now muffled by me biting down on my lip and the inside of my cheek. Jesse probably knew i was about to reach my limit because he slowed his pace, but hitting my spot rougher. i let out a string of "oh my god's" as i trembled under his touch. Jesse slipped out his fingers, placing them into his mouth one by one. he made sure to make the big grin of his lips obvious before taking his way out of the bath, wrapping a clean towel around his shoulders.
"i'm going to order some food, i'll call you when it's here." he spoke with a smile, like nothing had just happened.

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