Chapter 23

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*skip to 2 years they have been together cause i have no inspiration for that in all honesty*

Me and dre have been together for over two years our bond was strong and i stopped worrying about daisy dre still hasnt mentioned her but he has been distant lately which caused me to get  concerned

"so the hype house is having a party tonight are we going" shouted dre from the room upstairs in my house "sure why not i miss the girls" "then lets get ready cause the party is in a few hours" he shouted again

Went upstairs and saw his phone laying on the best i decided to check it
Just to see what time it is  when i saw a message

New message:
Dont worry i got what you want meet me upstairs in your room later the evening make sure she doesnt see okay

My heart instantly broke but before i could see who it was ondreaz was coming out of the bathroom i threw his phone back on the bed and acted like nothing happened

"hey baby you okay" he asked "oh yeah im fine was just thinking about what i should wear" i said lying to him how could he cheat on me  then Thoughts of daisy words came flooding back

Its daisy i know it is  i sigh at my thoughts and get dressed for the party
Maybe im over thinking things ge would never cheat on me

Who am i kidding his been so distant lately
I finally found a outfit but to be honest i didnt feel like going anymore but i want to see whats going to happen if it all goes wrong ill get drunk and leave

I call addison and tell her everything she was just as shocked as i was she noticed him drifting but she never thought he was the type to cheat

I ended the call and me and dre left to the hype house
This is were its all going to go down
I feel my stomach turn i honestly feel like shit but i had to hide it away from ondreaz

We arrive at the hype house and it's full of lights and amazing decorations
The house started filling up fast and i lost dre

The reason i smile ||| ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now