the foe on the hill

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Once at the top of the cliffs we circle around the enemy bunkers. Assault teams break off to capture each bunker. I pull the pin from one of my grenades and toss into a machine gun nest. I hear panicked cries from the German soldiers as the grenade lands between them. One of the Germans managed to jump out before the grenade exploded, the other wasn't so lucky. The German who had survived, struggles to his feet with his hands above his head yelling in german. A rifle fires from behind and the german falls over coughing blood, his eyes wide, staring at me. I turn and see the shooter looking for a new target. Before I could scream at him for killing that man, I see a movement out of the corner of my eye. A second later a submachine gun opens up, killing the soldier in front of me. Instinctively I drop to the ground. A german shoulder appears out of the bunker entrance. I aim my rifle at his heart and squeeze the trigger. The round passes through cleanly. The german slumps over and hits the ground. As I stand, more men appear out of the bunker. From my standing position, I fire at each of the men as they step into the open. They fall down all dead or wounded lying in a pool of their blood.

enemy on the cliffs Where stories live. Discover now