The path he refuses to go

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The path he refuses to go

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The path he refuses to go

---In themiddle of the sea, on the way to the dark continent---

„Go to sleep Ja'far. I've got this!", the young man assured, while he kept one hand loosely on the steering wheel. His golden eyes fixed on the compass which rests in his other one, blinking ones, twice, before he looked up to gaze at his silent companion.

"Are you sure, Sin? You look like you've barely slept for days, either", the younger one asked, after looking thoughtfully at his friend. Ja'far came a step closer to him, examining his physical state doubtingly.

"You look like shit!", the white haired teenager finished his investigation, entwining his arms stubbornly in front of his chest.

"Ouch, don't be so mean! Now I want you to go. Get some sleep and let me smolder", Sinbad answered, as he theatrically digs his fingers in his tunic that lingers above his torso, as if Ja'fars words had actually hurt him. Before Ja'far could start again, Sinbad interrupted him, waving the younger one of: "In a few days we are going to reach our new destination. I've got plenty of time to rest until then", Sinbad responded now with a broad smile on his lips. Still unconvinced, but finally giving in, Ja'far nodded as he slowly turned away.

"Well, if you say so...but before I lie down, I ask Hinahoho to replace you later", He responded over his shoulder, referring to the nordic tribesman who had accompanied them since the beginning of their journey, before he disappeared into the darkness to go to the sleeping quarters.

Now on his own, the only noises that broke the silence around Sinbad were the calm waves hitting the ship's wood and the wind that made the sails flutter.

A sigh emanated from the young man as he let his gaze glide over the stars that filled the night sky. His next destination was the dark continent, looking there for a place where he can found his own Kingdom.

He knew that he was someone special. That he was bound to do great things. Blessed by the rukh with a view of this world that no one else was able  to see. He had a vision that he strives to accomplish and the gods gave him the skills to do just that. If he concentrated he could see it. His next step to achieve his goal. But not just that... He could see them all clearly in front of him. All those people that are destined to cross his way. Although they were still unknown to him, he could identify every single person that would be important to him in the future. Like waves they are connected to each other.



In the end they will all be the key to his eventual success.

The opportunities we may take (Sinbad x OC)Where stories live. Discover now