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I sit on the floor of room 345 with my back pressed against the end of the bed. My eyes are staring blankly at the newscast report left on repeat on the phone that sits flat against the brown carpet between my sprawled legs. My hand clutches onto a bottle of cheap whiskey, my body vibrating intensely from the amount I've already consumed. My vision blurs in and out of the light from my phone, so much so that I don't notice it shutting off, most likely dead from it's lack of battery life. My mind is elsewhere.

I'm tired and I'm just waiting for him to come home. It's been too long since I've seen him. I miss his face. I miss seeing his green eyes and how they crinkled to almost disappearance when he smiled. I miss watching his fingers run through his curly, chestnut fade. I miss the dimple in his left cheek and the length of his lashes. I hate that I've been without his obnoxiously loud laugh or his vain obsession with glancing at every single one of his reflections. I miss him. Suddenly, I hear the wiggling of the door knob that forces my head to pop up in excitement.

The door is pushed open and in comes the most beautiful man I've ever seen. My baby.

"Baby!" I perked up. I attempted to stand up but I accidentally knocked over the bottle previously dangling from my hands. His green eyes fell on me as I let out a tipsy cackle.

"Jason." He rushed over to me with a small sigh, quickly picking up the bottle before lifting to grab something to clean it with. My hands reached out before he could walk away and I pressed my lips to his hard, causing him to immediately react with the same amount of passion. One hand was gripping onto his shirt tightly, while the other rested carefully against his forearm, holding his body close to mine. He accepted the kiss willingly, our tongues dancing together in sync for what seemed like a short time before he pulled back with a small smile. "Let me clean this up before the floor stains." He pecked my lips quickly before lifting up to move out of the room. He stepped into the hallway to grab a towel and a bottle of cleaning spray. He got to work at scrubbing at the carpet and I just watched him helplessly at my inability to do anything to actually help.

He got the carpet cleaned quickly and simply set the stuff out of the way before he helped to tug my body off of the ground. We managed to get on the bed with me laying flat on my back and him straddling my waist. My hands were immediately prying at his jacket, tugging the fabric down his arms feverishly as he complied with a bright laugh, his white smile luring me in more as I pushed myself up to kiss his supple lips. He let out a soft moan, his hips working against mine as he slid his tongue into my mouth. I let his tongue evade my mouth as my hands slid underneath his shirt, feeling at the skin I'd been without for months.

He pulled back to tug his shirt over his head, the action making my eyes gaze directly at his chest, noticing the slight weight he's lost since the last time I had seen him. My eyes immediately started to make their way to his arm but he quickly cupped my cheeks and kissed me deeply. In my dazed stupor, he succeeded in diverting my attention. I kissed him back just as deeply my hands sliding onto his waist as our lips pressed against each others tenderly. He pulled back slightly his eyes trained in on mine with a sly smile. "You should not shave more often. I like the scruff."

I chuckled softly, sliding a hand onto the back of his neck as I murmured against his lips, "You put me in a state of stress being gone so long. I needed some form of transformation."

"Should've went bald."

"I'll consider it next time."

His smile fell slightly at this as his hands stayed placed on my cheeks. We held onto each other's gaze, love parading behind both of our eyes. I watched as his pupils dilated while he took in my features. His fingers moving against my jawline slowly before they crept their way into my hair. His eyes lingered over my right ear as he grinned softly, admiring the conch piercing I told him about a month ago. "It looks good. Very sexy."

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